The Newberry Library's website has detailed information on items in their collection that are mentioned in Niffenegger's best-selling novel "The Time Traveler's Wife": Read more.
According to the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council, Wrigley Field and Yankee Stadium tied for home of the best stadium hot dog in 2008. Read more.
This downtown spot's a triple threat, with a lengthy, wooden bar, white-linen dining room, and a dimly-lit live music lounge with a grand piano that looks like something out of a mobster movie. Read more.
The Lincoln Park Zoo is free and open 365 days a year. Read more.
Check out Julie Mehretu's exhibition, "Grey Area," her representation of post-war Berlin in which the dynamism of urban life confronts decay and change. It's open through October 6, 2010. Read more.
In "The Blues Brothers", Jake & Elwood Blues (John Belushi & Dan Ackroyd) crash their Bluesmobile through the plate glass windows of the Richard J. Daley Center. Read more.
The Ledge at the Skydeck enables you to recreate Batman's experience, looking 110 stories down through a glass floor. Read more.
Revisit high school dating at this ultra-luxury cinema - intimate theaters, reclining chairs, & top-notch food & cocktails delivered via a "service" button button by the stealthiest of servers. Read more.
Try estimating the percentage of women here. On a recent weekday, it was 53%, according to the park's engineer, who considers that a success. "Women are more discriminating park users," he says. Read more.
Sexy cocktail-party-ready looks are the mainstays at this Studio City spot. Also in the mix: wear-all-the-time Smythe blazers and Siwy skinny jeans. Read more.