Rebeca’s Liked Places
Burger King is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

1. Burger King

Shopping Estação (1º Piso, Loja 10), Curitiba, PR
Fast Food Restaurant · 69 tips and reviews
McDonald's is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

2. McDonald's

Rua Holanda, 690 / Boa Vista (Rua Jovino do Rosário / Rápida sentido Centro), Curitiba, PR
Fast Food Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews
Sheridan's Irish Pub is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

3. Sheridan's Irish Pub

R. Bpo. D. José, 2315, Curitiba, PR
Irish Pub · 221 tips and reviews
Laboratório Frischmann Aisengart is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

4. Laboratório Frischmann Aisengart

Avenida Paraná, 1634 (Rua Holanda), Curitiba, PR
Medical Lab · 4 tips and reviews
Fábrica Downtown is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

5. Fábrica Downtown

Av. Vicente Machado, 632 (R. Des. Motta), Curitiba, PR
Burger Joint · 1 tip
Optum Global Solutions is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

6. Optum Global Solutions

Emiliano Perneta, 480, Curitiba, PR
Office · No tips or reviews
Camely is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

7. Camely

R. Cdor. Araújo, 278, Curitiba, PR
Chinese Restaurant · 3 tips and reviews
Feira Livre do Bacacheri is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

8. Feira Livre do Bacacheri

Av. José Gulin, s/n (Av. Pref. Erast Gaertner x R. Odete Fatuch), Curitiba, PR
Farmers Market · Bacacheri · 6 tips and reviews
Parque General Iberê de Mattos (Parque Bacacheri) is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

9. Parque General Iberê de Mattos (Parque Bacacheri)

R. Rodrigo de Freitas, 277, Curitiba, PR
Park · Bacacheri · 107 tips and reviews
De Luca Pizzaria is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

10. De Luca Pizzaria

R. Palmeiras, 161, Curitiba, PR
Pizzeria · 24 tips and reviews
Domino's Pizza is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

11. Domino's Pizza

Av. do Batel, 1280, Curitiba, PR
Pizzeria · 46 tips and reviews

Rebeca P.Rebeca Pires: Pizza muito boa, sugiro a de frango com cream cheese

Sfiha Grill is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

12. Sfiha Grill

ParkShoppingBarigüi (Piso Superior, Lj. 402), Curitiba, PR
Middle Eastern Restaurant · 11 tips and reviews
Bravus Burguer & Grill is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

13. Bravus Burguer & Grill

Av. do Batel, 1700, Curitiba, PR
Burger Joint · 21 tips and reviews

Rebeca P.Rebeca Pires: Atendimento show e hambúrguer muito bom!

Sirène is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

14. Sirène

Av. Vicente Machado, 632, Curitiba, PR
Fish and Chips Shop · 5 tips and reviews

Rebeca P.Rebeca Pires: Música muito alta a ponto de não conseguir conversar dentro do estabelecimento, porém a ideia é boa e é bem semelhante aos pubs de Londres.

Hard Rock Cafe Curitiba is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

15. Hard Rock Cafe Curitiba

R. Buenos Aires, 50 (R. Cdor. Araújo), Curitiba, PR
American Restaurant · Batel · 270 tips and reviews

Rebeca P.Rebeca Pires: O ambiente é bem agradável, os atendentes são educados porém não vem na mesa quado precisamos, valores dos pratos são muito altos para o que realmente vale mas são bem saborosos.

Leve Sabor is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

16. Leve Sabor

Av. Victor Ferreira do Amaral, 315 (R. Alexandre de Gusmão), Curitiba, PR
Buffet · Tarumã · 27 tips and reviews

Rebeca P.Rebeca Pires: A comida é boa e até vale a pena o preço (24,90 sábado), porém o lugar é bem apertado e fica bem difícil de passar entre as cadeiras.

Hot Bread is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

17. Hot Bread

R. Visc. de Nácar, 1523, Curitiba, PR
Café · 10 tips and reviews
Divino Fogão is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

18. Divino Fogão

ParkShoppingBarigüi (Piso Superior, Lj. 2039A), Curitiba, PR
Brazilian Restaurant · 16 tips and reviews

19. Casa Do Pastel

Quatro Barras, PR
Breakfast Spot · 1 tip
La Casa Di Frango Express is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

20. La Casa Di Frango Express

ParkShoppingBarigüi (Piso Superior, Loja 2036), Curitiba, PR
Fried Chicken Joint · 4 tips and reviews

Rebeca P.Rebeca Pires: Bom atendimento e preço acessível. Recomendo penne ao molho funghi!!

Spedini is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

21. Spedini

ParkShoppingBarigüi (Piso Superior, Lj. 416), Curitiba, PR
Italian Restaurant · 14 tips and reviews

Rebeca P.Rebeca Pires: Cardápio muito bom porém caro

Dom Giovanni is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

22. Dom Giovanni

Av. Pres. Kennedy, 1157 (R. Montese), Curitiba, PR
Italian Restaurant · 93 tips and reviews

Rebeca P.Rebeca Pires: Preço está ficando um pouco alto, mas a comida é muito boa! Recomendo penne ao molho fungi. Buffet e pizzas bem variadas.

Zapata La Taquería is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

23. Zapata La Taquería

Shopping Mueller (Piso TM, Lj. 002), Curitiba, PR
Taco Restaurant · 92 tips and reviews

Rebeca P.Rebeca Pires: Está ficando caro pelo qualidade, por enquanto ta valendo a pena. Burritos são os melhores!!

24. Joe Bananas

Av. Manoel Ribas, 552, Curitiba, PR
Italian Restaurant · 59 tips and reviews
Top Pizza Solar is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

25. Top Pizza Solar

Av. José Gulin, 555, Curitiba, PR
Pizzeria · 1 tip

Rebeca P.Rebeca Pires: Pizza grande que vale o preço pago.

O Torto Bar is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

26. O Torto Bar

R. Paula Gomes, 354 (R. Dq. de Caxias), Curitiba, PR
Bar · São Francisco · 81 tips and reviews

Rebeca P.Rebeca Pires: Ótimo lugar pra curtir com os amigos!

Livraria Cultura is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

27. Livraria Cultura

Shopping Curitiba (Piso L3, Loja 306), Curitiba, PR
Bookstore · 178 tips and reviews
Brooklyn Coffee Shop is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

28. Brooklyn Coffee Shop

R. Trajano Reis, 389 (R. Inácio Lustosa), Curitiba, PR
Coffee Shop · São Francisco · 316 tips and reviews
Shopping Mueller is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

29. Shopping Mueller

Av. Cândido de Abreu, 127 (R. Inácio Lustosa), Curitiba, PR
Shopping Mall · Centro Cívico · 319 tips and reviews
CNA is one of Rebeca’s Liked Places.

30. CNA

R. Holanda, 719 (R. José Merhy), Curitiba, PR
Language School · Boa Vista · 5 tips and reviews