4square Kazakhstan: Charyn Park is an 80 km canyon in Kazakhstan on the Charyn River,close to the Chinese border. One part of it is known as Valley of Castles for its unusual rock formations.
4square Kazakhstan: The Almaty Zoo is one of the largest and oldest zoological parks in the Republic. Almaty zoo is a member of the Eurasian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums.
4square Kazakhstan: The Park is located in the southern part of Almaty and has a spectacular mountain backdrop. The park was opened in November 2011 in respect to First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.
ул. Гоголя - Казыбек-би (м/у Кунаева и Калдаякова), Алматы, Алматы
Park · Медеу ауданы · 56 tips and reviews
4square Kazakhstan: The Panfilov Park is named after the 28th Panfilov Battalion that served with distinction during the defense of Moscow in 1941/1942.
Төле би көш. (Абылай-Хан даңғ. қиылысы), Алматы, Алматы
Plaza · 25 tips and reviews
4square Kazakhstan: Astana Square is the second largest central square, after Republic Square. It hosts several summer activities, such as concerts, fairs, markets and many others.
Иле-Алатауский национальный парк (ущелье р. Большая Алматинка), Алматы, Алматы
Lake · 38 tips and reviews
4square Kazakhstan: It isn't that big as it's called. Depending on time of day, month or year, BAL changes its colors and reflects the surrounding beauty on its surface.
4square Kazakhstan: The Dam built in the late 60s,stands immediately south of the skating rink,protecting the city from potentially devastating mud flows.Viewpoints on top of the dam provide great views of the stadium.
4square Kazakhstan: The Medeu,is an outdoor speed skating rink.It's located in a mountain valley on the south-eastern outskirts of Almaty.It's sits 1,691m. above sea level,making it the highest skating rink in the world.
4square Kazakhstan: Shymbulak located in the upper part of the Medeu Valley in the Zaiilisky Alatau mountain range,at the elevation of 2200 meters above sea level.
4square Kazakhstan: This park was founded in 1856, as a nursery for fruit and decorative plants, vegetables. Later, it became the place of leisure for locals.