To-do in Rome
Roma Termini Railway Station (XRJ) is one of To-do in Rome.

1. Roma Termini Railway Station (XRJ)

(Stazione Roma Termini)
Piazza dei Cinquecento, Roma, Lazio
Rail Station · Esquilino · 643 tips and reviews

YCYC: 到了火车站,先到24号站台找I,拿到免费地图,并在这里买roma pass,25欧/人。

Colosseum is one of To-do in Rome.

2. Colosseum

Piazza del Colosseo (Via dei Fori Imperiali), Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 1816 tips and reviews

Sony Mobile WTASony Mobile WTA: Loved Gladiator? Visit the Colosseum and imagine ancient Rome in its glory days! Tip: get the Roma Pass, a three-day tourist discount card for free entry to two city sites and other discounts.

Arch of Constantine is one of To-do in Rome.

3. Arch of Constantine

(Arco di Costantino)
Via San Gregorio, Roma, Lazio
Monument · 75 tips and reviews

Arthur C.Arthur Carl: A triumphal arch built in 312 in honor of Constantine's defeat over Maxentius at the battle of Ponte Milvio.

Palatine is one of To-do in Rome.

4. Palatine

Via San Gregorio 30, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 164 tips and reviews

Alec H.Alec Humes: Beat the Colisseum lines and buy the dual ticket here at this very worthwhile stroll through Roman times.

Roman Forum is one of To-do in Rome.

5. Roman Forum

(Foro Romano)
Via dei Fori Imperiali, Roma, Lazio
Historic and Protected Site · 456 tips and reviews

mylifeisgorgeousmylifeisgorgeous: Maybe the most moving place on earth. It is not what you see, but what you can imagine.Via dei Fori Imperiali Read more.

Capitoline Museums is one of To-do in Rome.

6. Capitoline Museums

(Musei Capitolini)
Piazza del Campidoglio 1, Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · 84 tips and reviews

YCYC: 包含了两座宫殿,分别是新宫和保守宫,由米开朗基罗设计,其藏品 不乏米开朗基罗、贝尼尼等大师的作品,其中有常规展览和特定展 览,特定展览要单独购票。

Piazza Venezia is one of To-do in Rome.

7. Piazza Venezia

Piazza Venezia, Roma, Lazio
Plaza · 248 tips and reviews

YCYC: 威尼斯广场为开放式景点,其宏大的维克多·伊曼纽尔二世纪念碑 是罗马的标志之一,每年国庆日6月2日都会在此进行阅兵式。 到达方式:威尼斯广场附近没有地铁,一般都是从斗兽场走过去。

Altar of the Fatherland is one of To-do in Rome.

8. Altar of the Fatherland

(Altare della Patria)
Piazza Venezia, Roma, Lazio
Monument · 156 tips and reviews

SquirrlySquirrly: It's a great Museum. Probably one of the best organized museums ever. Go to the rooftop and order yourself a nice coffee after visiting the museum. Discuss what you've seen with friends. Enjoy Life.

Trajan's Column is one of To-do in Rome.

9. Trajan's Column

(Colonna Traiana)
Piazza Foro Traiano, Roma, Lazio
Monument · Monti · 33 tips and reviews

YCYC: 威尼斯广场右侧就是图拉真柱和图拉真市场,是古老的杂货市场, 也为开放式景点。图拉真柱是罗马帝国皇帝图拉真为了纪念自己征 服罗马尼亚而修建的。

Piazza Navona is one of To-do in Rome.

10. Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona, Roma, Lazio
Plaza · Parione · 632 tips and reviews

YCYC: 纳沃纳广场为开放式广场,不是非常大,但是广场上的三个喷泉相 当著名,都是出自文艺复兴时期大师之手。如今广场上聚集了很多 街头画家和杂耍艺人,热闹非凡。仔细看周围的房子,这可是号称 罗马最漂亮的巴洛克广场啊。

Pantheon is one of To-do in Rome.

11. Pantheon

Piazza della Rotonda (Via Palombella), Roma, Lazio
Monument · Sant'Eustachio · 800 tips and reviews

RomaRoma: The Pantheon is the best-preserved ancient building in Rome. It was built (and possibly designed) by Hadrian in AD 119-128 as a temple to the 12 most important classical deities.

Trevi Fountain is one of To-do in Rome.

12. Trevi Fountain

(Fontana di Trevi)
Piazza di Trevi, Roma, Lazio
Fountain · Trevi · 1300 tips and reviews

YCYC: 它是罗马的母亲泉,也是罗马最大的喷泉,传说在这里许愿很灵验 的,投三枚硬币,并且许三个心愿吧。这里照相要又准又快,因为这 里天天都是人满为患,而且通常来了就不想走了。

Piazza di Spagna is one of To-do in Rome.

13. Piazza di Spagna

Piazza di Spagna, Roma, Lazio
Plaza · Campo Marzio · 459 tips and reviews

YCYC: 西班牙广场本身没有太多的亮点,但是因为一部《罗马假日》奥黛 丽·赫本在西班牙广场的台阶上吃冰激凌后,这里成了家喻户晓的 景点,今日如故。对于女性而言,台阶对面的via condotti大街是让 她们疯狂的地方,你所知的奢侈品牌和大牌的旗舰店都在这里, 对!所有的都在。甚至宝格丽珠宝起家的店也在这附近。走之前多 看看台阶下面的船型喷泉,这是老贝尼尼设计的。

Piazza del Popolo is one of To-do in Rome.

14. Piazza del Popolo

Piazza del Popolo, Roma, Lazio
Plaza · Campo Marzio · 294 tips and reviews

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: Your eyes will be enchanted by these two twins churches: look closely and try to spot the differences between them. A winning tip? Watch "Angels & Devils" the movie beforehand.

Galleria Borghese is one of To-do in Rome.

15. Galleria Borghese

Piazzale Scipione Borghese 5, Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · Pinciano e salario, Rome, Latium · 179 tips and reviews

YCYC: 波格赛美术馆以收藏意大利巴洛克风格的雕塑和文艺复兴时期 的绘画著称,号称是罗马最美,也是意大利最美的美术馆。美术馆 除了常规展之外还会有特展,要想参观该美术馆并不容易,因为参 观人数受控制,而且必须要提前预约。 Read more.

MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo is one of To-do in Rome.

16. MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo

Via Guido Reni, 4/A (Via Flaminia e Via Giovanni Paolo Pannini), Roma, Lazio
Art Museum · Flaminio · 150 tips and reviews

YCYC: 全称叫国立二十一世纪艺术博物馆,是意大利文化遗产与文化活动 部建立的博物馆。其展馆本身就是一件非常伟大的建筑作品,由著 名的建筑师扎哈哈伊德所设计。

Vatican Museums is one of To-do in Rome.

17. Vatican Museums

(Musea Vaticana)
Viale Vaticano, Vatican
Art Museum · Stato della Città del Vaticano · 898 tips and reviews

YCYC: 梵蒂冈博物馆是罗马最热门的景点之一,如果你打算进入参观的话 最好提前排队。博物馆内藏有众多文艺复兴大师的名画,所以最好 提前做好功课,因为也许在你不经意间就会错过。

Raphael Rooms is one of To-do in Rome.

18. Raphael Rooms

(Stanze di Raffaello)
Viale Vaticano, Vatican
Art Gallery · Città del Vaticano · 23 tips and reviews
St. Peter's Basilica is one of To-do in Rome.

19. St. Peter's Basilica

(Basilica Sancti Petri)
Piazza San Pietro, Vatican
Church · Città del Vaticano · 636 tips and reviews

Sony Mobile WTASony Mobile WTA: Rome has lots of churches but this one is especially worth a visit. Climb up the stairs to get an unforgettable view of Rome early in the morning.

Sant'Angelo Bridge is one of To-do in Rome.

20. Sant'Angelo Bridge

(Ponte Sant'Angelo)
Ponte Sant'Angelo, Roma, Lazio
Bridge · Ponte · 104 tips and reviews

Yana Y.Yana Yanina: Was build in 126 year. But this name got in XII century, because of papa Gregory The Great saw the vision of Angel with sword. This sculpture you can see in top of Castello.

Castle of the Holy Angel is one of To-do in Rome.

21. Castle of the Holy Angel

(Castel Sant'Angelo)
Lungotevere Castello, Roma, Lazio
Castle · 359 tips and reviews

Boris M.Boris Mihaylov: A great panoramic view on the top..perfect for photos.

Rome-Fiumicino Airport (FCO) is one of To-do in Rome.

22. Rome-Fiumicino Airport (FCO)

(Aeroporto di Roma Fiumicino)
Via Leonardo da Vinci, Fiumicino, Lazio
International Airport · 1702 tips and reviews
Gusto is one of To-do in Rome.

23. Gusto

Piazza Augusto Imperatore 9, Roma, Lazio
Wine Bar · Campo Marzio · 195 tips and reviews

YCYC: 这是在罗马很有名的价廉物美的饭店,在人民广场(Piazza del Popolo)和西班牙广场(Piazza Spagna)之间,离台伯河的Cavour桥 (Ponte Cavour)不远的地方。不论是菜品还是主食都是标准的罗马风 味,分量不大,却非常精致,如果不喝酒的话,一般一个全餐下来人 均大约20欧-25欧之间。尤其推荐里面的披萨,任何口味的都好吃.

Tazza d'Oro is one of To-do in Rome.

24. Tazza d'Oro

Via degli Orfani, 84, Roma, Lazio
Coffee Shop · Sant'Eustachio · 379 tips and reviews
Giolitti is one of To-do in Rome.

25. Giolitti

Via degli Uffici del Vicario, 40, Roma, Lazio
Ice Cream Parlor · Sant'Eustachio · 774 tips and reviews
Antico Caffè Greco is one of To-do in Rome.

26. Antico Caffè Greco

Via dei Condotti, 84, Roma, Lazio
Café · Campo Marzio · 511 tips and reviews
Palazzo del Freddo di Giovanni Fassi is one of To-do in Rome.

27. Palazzo del Freddo di Giovanni Fassi

Via Principe Eugenio 65, Roma, Lazio
Gelato Shop · Esquilino · 206 tips and reviews

YCYC: Fassi 1880是罗马众多冰激凌老店中比较有名的。进店后首先选择盒 装还是筒装,然后选择几个球,再选择口味。一般1个球的是1.6欧, 2个球的是2欧,3个球的是3欧。

Via Carlo Della Rocca, 19 is one of To-do in Rome.

28. Via Carlo Della Rocca, 19

Via Carlo Della Rocca, 19, Roma, Lazio
Apartment or Condo · Tuscolano · No tips or reviews
Pizzarium Bonci is one of To-do in Rome.

29. Pizzarium Bonci

Via della Meloria, 43, Roma, Lazio
Pizzeria · Trionfale · 277 tips and reviews
Vecchia Roma is one of To-do in Rome.

30. Vecchia Roma

Via Ferruccio, 12, Roma, Lazio
Italian Restaurant · Esquilino · 302 tips and reviews

Soo K.Soo K.: Must try "Bucatini alla'amatriciana flambé"

Cul de Sac is one of To-do in Rome.

31. Cul de Sac

Piazza di Pasquino, 73 (Via di Pasquino), Roma, Lazio
Italian Restaurant · Parione · 206 tips and reviews
Sant'Eustachio Il Caffè is one of To-do in Rome.

32. Sant'Eustachio Il Caffè

Piazza di Sant'Eustachio, 82, Roma, Lazio
Café · Sant'Eustachio · 484 tips and reviews