Gourmet List (Taipei City)
Viva 非凡精緻蛋糕 is one of Gourmet List (Taipei City).

1. Viva 非凡精緻蛋糕

富錦街488號, 松山區, 臺北市
Bakery · 3 tips and reviews

Wencheng L.Wencheng Lin: Fresh and Premium Toast and Bread maker. Highly Recommend their Plain Toast. They also have Cafe and Meals next door. 白土司是非凡的強項

Starbucks is one of Gourmet List (Taipei City).

2. Starbucks

民生東路五段158號 (三民路), 台北市
Coffee Shop · Sōngshān Qū · 4 tips and reviews

Wencheng L.Wencheng Lin: Brand new look and great staff. Offers many coupons and discounts from Uni-President Corp. 三民門市2012年重新裝潢開張,給顧客全新星巴克體驗,不時提供統一企業體的折扣優惠(例如超商集點活動、持iBon票券優惠等)

光田素食工坊 is one of Gourmet List (Taipei City).

3. 光田素食工坊

信義路三段166巷4號, 台北市
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Dà'ān Qū · No tips or reviews
東發號蚵仔麵線 is one of Gourmet List (Taipei City).

4. 東發號蚵仔麵線

饒河街94號, 松山區, 臺北市
Noodle Restaurant · 7 tips and reviews