More than any other frozen yogurt place, 16 Handles has very flavorful flavors! If you're into yogurt try the salted Carmel. You're into sorbet, try the mango. It's unbelievable!
Loads of great flavours that you can customize to your hearts desire with millions of topping options. Free sample pots help you make sure you can try a couple and then dive in! Pay by weight
Salted caramel, any of the berry-flavors, cheesecake and peanut butter are my go-to’s. Be sure to sample though as often times the machines aren’t working and the yogurt comes out liquidy or too icy.
People complain about the prevalence of froyo places in NYC, but it's hard to complain if you're a patron. This stuff is good! I go for a cookies 'n' cream setup + a few more flavors, like cheesecake.
Cookies & creamfroyo with cheesecake bites, crushed Oreos, and cookies & cream bark pieces will satisfy any Oreo milkshake cravings. Clean location, great for my allergies.
16 Handles is a dessert shop offering a rotating menu of Artisan... frozen yogurt, ice cream, vegan soft serve, and other treats plus an endless toppings bar.(Show more)