lge 5 min jek JIe!!!" lau tkda Jgak I'm sorry bt I have to go... u deserve some one better who's family background r a respectable one like urs.. far from mine!!! Tqvn... tc always... imy.. Ms_13
all the unsaid words will b written here by me.. If only u would wana listen to wateva I'm trying to tell u, things won't b this complicated lh sey!! haizzzz!! " if only "
suka hati Lu lah JIe!!! aslkn Lu happy sdah!!! divert kol Kat KFC lge!!! nasib bdan lah ehk!!! lau dh nk kena Kat tngan lu Jgak kan, gua tetap Akan snyum lbar lah JIe!!! wateva makes u happy lh Troy!!