My first time in California so I had to see what the fuss was about. The burgers are mouthwateringly addictive. Such a good meal for a low price! I wish we had one here in Chicago!
It looks like the other location. I want a hat. Are fries natural? The poor cow... We eat their flesh, fat and milk; udderly detestable and yet so delicious. No comparison to the sous vide fillet
For your burgers, go double-double, both onions, animal style. Fries, well done. Still don't know what each customization means, but you should repeat after me. Oh, did I mention it's dirt cheap?
McDonald's®, Wendy's® and BURGER KING® uses Microwaves to reheat your burgers where is the grill. No burger smell around as with In-N-Out Burger® and Fatburger® you smell the smoke stack from grill!