And my last : if you want to drink something fresh and original, have the basilic, lime, ginger and honeyfresh juice. It's not on the menu but written on the wall. Delicious !
The best food in Amed! We had chicken satay, tuna fish and also pizza, all tasty! Try also their balenese coconutpancake ~ Dadar Gulung (so far the best we had in Bali)! 😍
Very tasty, probably one of the best on Bali for me (tried barracuda, tunasandwitch), reasonable price, no hidden taxes. Great view and places near the ocean. But very slow service and slow wifi.
A bit expensive on Indonesian standards but restaurant always busy and food delicious. Try lava chocolate cake and their delicious homemade coconut ice cream
Fantastic family restaurant. They are friendly and the food is simply excellent. You will for sure get value for money there. Try their dessert : Dadar gulung - amazing!
It's pretty good. They have a menu that would appeal to Bules "white person" as lots of vegetarian options and fruit juices not loaded with sugar. The food is pretty good too. Nice service.
Really dissapointed with my FOOD, in The menu call ikan tumis ( stir-fry ) but Coming fried. I ask 3 time and they said that was my order !! The staff not Friendly, never comeback to This place
Really overrated place – portions are small and cost more than most warungs around, food is so-so, service is a bit slow, lots of flies (like everywhere else here), can be crowded. 3,8 of 5 overall
Бесплатная вода, вкусный балийский десерт dadak guling за 35тыс., сытный тунец на гриле, который подаётся с рисом или картошкой фри на выбор и салатом за 60 тыс. В цену уже включён налог. Рекомендую
Оригинальные фреши, вкусные креветки, стейки из баракуды, салаты и конечно же мороженное из кокоса! Обязательно на пробу, обслуживание медленное, но это того стоит! Были в ресторане 5 раз 1000 лайков
Zu Mittag war es leer (Abends extrem voll). Sehr angenehm. Hatte Fisch-Curry und Basilikum mit Ingwer und LimettenHonig als Getränk. Sehr lecker. Empfehlenswert zu jeder Zeit.
Après avoirmangé dans pas mal de coins pas franchement bons, Warung Enak fut enfin une bonne surprise ! Les produits sont frais et ça se ressent dans les plats. Donc si vous passez vers Amed, go !!
Очень вкусный салат с тыквой и рыбой ❣️,количество ингредиентов удивляет ,тут и семечки и грецкий орех,помидор ,ананас ,Фета,рыба,тыква, кабачок ,салат ,лук ... порция большая👍🏻