Just about everything of interest in Cordoba is within easy walking distance (the exception being the Medina Azahara). Just use the standard tourist map which can be obtained from the touristoffices.
If you're short of time and would like to see the city in an interesting way, do it with Visual Axes. The tricycle is small enough that it can squeeze through the narrow lanes. I enjoyed Cordoba.
The only thing to see here is the Cathedral and the Alcázar, nothing else special, most of the places closes due to “Siesta” so nothing else to do and see in a week day, better to stay in Seville.
2 jours suffisent pour visiter la ville. Il faut voir la mezquita, marcher la nuit sur le pont pour les photos et dîner le soir dans la rue Enrique barros pour découvrir une vraie ambiance andalouse..
Porfavor no utilizar los coches de caballos de Córdoba. Es un robo y de cultura general no tienen ni idea.se debería denunciarlo en el ayuntamiento que pena que siga habiendo gente asi