Whoever painted the parkinglines for this rest area must have had Fiat 500s in mind. They are WAY too narrow. If you follow the advice in the tip regarding “Stay in your vehicle” you might be ok.
Bar none the nastiest rest stop ever! Thought of trying the port-o-potty thinking it'd be cleaner. Had a bottle of all-purpose cleaner in the car - nearly went digging thru our bags to find it. *gag*
Toilets were clean this time but the sinks could use a good scrubbing with Comet - what is it with this place? Vending machine was near empty as well as noted by others. No incentive for profit?!
These toilets are a nightmare, but they are twice as clean and 18% as broken as the ones on the southbound route. TIP: The vending machines are almost completely sold out. Restock them.