The Georgian National Museum is closed on Mondays. It is open from 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM. The price of admission is 5 Lari for adults. Museum is VERY much worth it if you haven't visited. Read more
The archaeological treasury has a collection of artifacts from Georgia's ancient history. Including a number of artifacts from Roman times, including items featuring images of Roman leaders. Read more
Museum has an excellent permanent exhibit about the Soviet occupation of Georgia. Included in this exhibit is a fascinating letter from people in a small mountainvillage to FDR's State Department. Read more
The entrance fee is now 30GEL for foreign visitors and although there are some fabulous treasures it’s poorly exhibited with poor lighting and little English information. Not really worth it
Beautiful objects and the exhibit of the national treasury was really nice. I‘ve never encountered such rude and unprofessional staff though.. A shame.
It wouldn't be a museum... without a gift shop! Yes, they've got one here. But, I was disappointed that while they carried English books, I didn't see any about Georgian history.
К сожалению, очень не хватает аудио гидов на русском! Подписи на грузинском и на английском достаточно полные и информационные. Очень интересно выполнение демонстрационных материалов и видеодополнений
Шикарная коллекция в Сокровищнице. Восточная и Западная Грузия,уникальные экземпляры,даже не верится,что все настоящее.Сумасшедшей красоты вещи.В другом зале уникальные иконы, старинные книги, Библия
بخش نقاشيهاى شاهزادگان و زنان دوره قاجار كه عمدتاً مربوط به فتحعلى شاه بود را از دست ندين ! عكسى از محمد رضا شاه پهلوى در بدو ورود به چشم ميخوره كه ظاهراً براى افتتاح اين بخش از موزه به تفليس اومدن💝
Daha kapsamlı olmasını beklediğim bir yerdi fakat biraz hayalkırıklığına uğradım.İnsan türleri sergilenen kısmı ve Kendi kültürlerini yansıtan kazı buluntularının sergilendiği bölümleri beğendim
Ortalama bir müze ama başka müze gezmeyeceğiniz için gidilesi. Kazbegi sadece bir bira markası değil Gürcistan tarihinde önemli bir unsur bunu öğrenmenize yarar. İngilizce anlatım daha çok olmalı
Музей советской оккупации хороший и грустный. Немного не хватает информации, видимо, туда лучше ходить с экскурсоводом или аудиогидом (надеюсь, его когда-нибудь сделают)
سالن مربوط به اسناد شوروى سابق طورى طراحى و نورپردازى شده كه فضاى رعب و وحشت و اختناق در زمان كمونيست و به ويژه استالين به خوبى به بيننده منتقل بشه ! درهاى زندانها جالبترين اشيا اين قسمت بودند !!