The most fascinating and my favourite Cathedral in whole Europe. So fairytale like!! I actually refer to it as Maleficent's Castle! Only because it looks like a place a Disney villain would live in!!
The old town hall is one of the mainstays of Prague's old town square & the busiest part.The building itself is impressive & made even more famous by the popular astronomical clock just adjacent to it
There are opportunities to go up the building and get some really gorgeous views of the town square & Prague itself. It's really hard not to appreciate the beautiful architecture & views in this area
Ticket is only 250 Kč for adults to access both, the museum and the tower .. One of the main attractions in Prague .. Definitely worth a visit before sunset !!
Buy the tickets on the right of the clock and enter of the left - very busy up the tower with not much room, though is much easier to access than the tower at the cathedral at Prague castle.
Very crowded over spring break, which made it less enjoyable. Go up there when there isn't a crowd and you'll love it. We went at 1p.m. on a Wednesday. Early morning or late night would be better.
Prague's old Town Hall was built in 1364. Originally the building served only as the city hall of the old town, but later became the city hall for all of Prague.
Обязательно стоит подняться на башню, оттуда открываются красивые виды на старый город. Часы на ратуши достойны отдельного внимания. Посетить башню и саму ратушу можно бесплатно по PragaCard
Meydan harika yapılarda öyle ama çevredeki özellikle hediyelik eşya satanlar turiste doymuş saygısız ve kabalar. ...alışverişi daha uzaktaki meydanlarda örneğin wenceslas namesti de yapın ☺☺
Часть Здания Муниципалитета Старого Города была разрушена в последние дни Второй мировой войны в 1945, поэтому после реконструкции, оно выглядит как два различных здания, связанные в одном.
Klenot se skvělými výstavami a krásnou vyhlídkou na Josefov a Staré Město. Ještě před druhou světovou válkou měla radnice i křídlo za Orlojem, bylo však vybombardované. Existují studie na dostavbu.
Love&Sex in Prague: Zatáhněte ho/ji při výstavě Czech Press Photo do sklepení, kde bývá nějaká nezajímavá část výstavy a nikde nikdo, a tajná muchlovačka může vypuknout
20 let v Česku: Výstava fotografií Herberta Slavíka zachycuje vznik a hlavní události prvních dvou desetiletí České republiky. K vidění ve Staroměstské radnici do začátku listopadu. Read more