We hiked this trail to the top of the viewingplatform. Afterwards we treated ourselves to some aperitifs at Teraca Vidilica. Perfect evening. Start the hike at 7 & come back down at 8:30 for drinks!
Great hike with stunning views of the sea. It also feels much cooler than the city on a hot day with the soft breeze and the strong scent of pines. Hike for 30 minutes or hours.
Nice hiking area close to the old town. If you need some assistance, OpenStreetMap has all the little paths listed. There's a bike rental for the coastal street as well.
It's a ten-minute walk up to the wooded heights of the Marjan peninsula, a safe-haven of paved paths (suitable for walking or biking), fragrant forests and beaches. Read more
Don't miss a hike to the viewpoint on the top if you're in Split! Great views and a refreshing break from the bustle of the old town. Forgot to bring water? There is a tab at the top zoo entrance!
Под высокими соснами проложено множество троп, прогулка по которым доставит настоящее наслаждение тем, кто устал от шума и суеты центральной части Сплита.