td ada bule2 france ngrekam gw+tmen2 gw, mereka blg: i've come to Indonesia n was surprised to see u all on a night like this then i think, "there was a parkour too huh?" smntara satpam ngusir gw XD
Saturday Nite Sale, 20 Agustus 2011 present : ANDIEN Live Performance 21.00 - 22.00, DJ Percussion 22.00 - 23.00...Enjoy Disc up to 70% & Get Free LED TV, Notebook VAIO for min Purchase Rp.350,000*
Now Three to five afternoon teacafe and Rasa Bakery Open at Festival Citylink 3rd floor near Nav Karaoke..Come and visit us now.Provide snacks, cakes, ice cream. Try our MacaroonIce Cream.!!
Best place for shopping.if you want to find agood quality and korean style fashion for your should go to childizz boutique.located at 2ndfloor near toys is super recommended.