Venice has its share of modern art museums, but the Biennale can't be beaten as the place to see the latest and greatest from around the world. Allot at least two hours at Arsenale.
If you have little time to visit the biënnale toen better visit the arsenale in stead of the Giardini There's more to see and you can walk inside most of the time with more interesting collections
Refreshing selection of work, I highly recommend you buy the short guide for €18 at the bookshop by the entrance, to consult with as you walk through the exhibit
Como toda bienal de arte, muita experimentação, vanguardismo, mas muita coisa boa também. Além disso, artistas consagrados, como Chris Marker, e a sua última exposição de fotos tiradas no metrô.
Un recupero magistrale della vecchia Venezia. Un'area espositiva che fa della Biennale una mostra nella mostra. Da visitare la mattina per evitare la ressa.