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Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria€€€
della Vittoria, Roma
  • Tips
    Ezgi Doğa
    "Plain foccacia and burrata was amazing 👍🏻"(2 Tips)
    "Good food, amazing view and fast service"(4 Tips)
    "4 cheese and truffles pizza"(2 Tips)
    "as well as the mozzarella cheese with truffles."(2 Tips)
Tips and Reviews icon26 Tips and reviews
  • scenic views
  • burrata cheese
  • trendy
  • bruschetta
  • restaurants
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  • Alfonso F.
    Alfonso FaubelOctober 19, 2014
    Been here 10+ times
    Excellent food, view and service. It is the quintessence of an Italian gastronomic experience where both meat and fish dishes are equally outstanding. You can't go wrong in this place.
    BANDER.KAugust 24, 2018
    Been here 10+ times
    Excellent view , friendly staff , perfect food , try the 4 cheese and truffles pizza , and the turtofo cheese plate , for the main dish don’t miss the Pepe verde fillet with roasted Potatos 👌🏼
  • Nheart icon on user image
    NSeptember 24, 2016
    Great view of the lake😍. Give the four cheese&truffle pizza a try. The burrata and cherry tomatoes bruschetta was delicious!, as well as the mozzarella cheese with truffles.
  • Ezgi Doğaheart icon on user image
    Ezgi DoğaApril 11, 2022
    This is a hidden gem in Prati district that we accidentally found. Plain foccacia and burrata was amazing 👍🏻
  • Aerion
    AerionOctober 28, 2013
    Outstanding quality beef, and they know how to cook it. Try the mushroom starter - you wouldn't think mushrooms could.taste _this_ good!
  • Tarik F.heart icon on user image
    Tarik FathiAugust 13, 2015
    The fish sea bass is great it is expensive but very nice and the service is great
  • Dr. E.heart icon on user image
    Dr. EesAugust 21, 2019
    Ask if the Ovoli mushroom salad is in season... very special.
  • Roryheart icon on user image
    RoryApril 4, 2017
    Good food, amazing view and fast service
  • Taraji ~.heart icon on user image
    Taraji ~August 13, 2015
    The food and service are perfect 👌🏼
  • Delyan K.heart icon on user image
    Delyan KovachevJuly 24, 2016
    Nice place.
  • 6864
    6864April 25, 2012
    Gorgeous place!
  • Olga M.
    Olga MetelskaFebruary 24, 2023
    Endroit bien placé avec une belle vue et des pizzas excellentes pour leur prix. Mon partenaire et moi avions pris la margherita a la buffala, nous vous la recommandons. Rapport qualté-prix excellent.
  • Marina G.
    Marina GalloAugust 7, 2013
    Tavoli all'aperto in mezzo al verde e con il venticello del tevere che rinfresca le tue serate! Il tutto servito con vino e ottimo cibo. Tutto buono! Dalla carne alla brace alla pizza, al pesce
  • Yury N.heart icon on user image
    Yury NedelinOctober 16, 2017
    Очень вкусно, прекрасный вид. Отдельно стоит отметить тартары. Рекомендуется к посещению после музея MAXI или перед фуболомм
  • Diego F.heart icon on user image
    Diego FacchiniDecember 31, 2017
    Vado spesso al cuccurucù, non ti regala niente, ma il cibo è buono, bel posto e il personale è sempre gentile. A volte risulta essere molto caotico essendo molto grande. Comunque, consigliato.
  • Pino P.heart icon on user image
    Pino PinoApril 25, 2016
    Carne ma anche pizza e supplì gustosissimi, le pizzottelle poi... Cortesia ed eleganza, ci sta tutto, bravi complimenti!!
  • Arianna .heart icon on user image
    Arianna 🦁April 2, 2017
    Locale carino forse un po'pretenzioso.Meravigliosa terrazza estiva.Buona la carne alla brace ma molto buono anche il pesce.Fanno la pizza ma non l'ho provata.Prezzi medio alti (30€a testa senza vino).
  • Federica F.
    Federica FontiMarch 22, 2011
    Been here 25+ times
    Bellissimo! Posto fantastico sul Tevere con un giardino godibilissimo durante la bella stagione. Cucina 10! Carciofi, pizza, carne, pesce, tutto ottimo!
  • Andrea F.
    Andrea FioriniAugust 24, 2014
    Veramente speciale... Si mangia benissimo e si sta molto tranquilli!! Perfetto!
  • 🇷🇺 Phil P.heart icon on user image
    🇷🇺 Phil PresleySeptember 11, 2014
    Настоящий ресторан, где едят итальянцы. Туристы бываю здесь крайне редко.
  • Flaminia S.
    Flaminia SpadoneOctober 23, 2011
    Ottimo cibo, bellissima terrazza sul Tevere con vista sul ponte della musica. Consigliato il filetto visciole e cannella
  • Vanessa A.heart icon on user image
    Vanessa AmodioAugust 13, 2013
    L'area esterna è molto suggestiva! Consiglio le crocchette di melanzane e il baccalà!
  • Francesco L.
    Francesco LapennaJuly 20, 2013
    Ottimo. Dallo scenario, alla qualità.
  • Victor R.heart icon on user image
    Victor RampazzoMay 30, 2015
    Una splendida vista e ottimo cibo
  • Radiosa
    RadiosaMarch 27, 2012
    Si mangia bene ed ha una bellissima vista sul Tevere (raro a Roma)
  • Francesco L.
    Francesco LapennaJuly 26, 2013
    Ottimo. Ambiente, menù e servizio
Photos71 Photos