Surrounded by a fruitful, nearly meditterean nature. Lots of boats of all kinds on this huge lake. "Paradies Nonnenhorn" and "Wasserburger Bucht" are highly recommended hidden bathing treasures.
A beautiful place, this lake is just amazing. From this point (I'm standing in Bregenz, Austria) you can see to the left Switzerland and to the right Germany. This is the point where the 3 countries..
Swabian sea! Lake Constance is a great destination connected to 3 countries/federal states (Germany/Baden-Wurttemberg, Bavaria / Austria/Vorarlberg and Switzerland/St. Gallen, Thurgau, Schaffhausen).
Meiner Meinung nach total überhyped und daher auch überlaufen. Entspannung findet man am Bodensee eher nicht. Es sei denn, ein Bad in Horden genervter Touristen entspannt einen.