Kalo Masih Terus Beli Ayam Harus 2pcs,Bisa-Bisa Pindah Nih!• Kalo Emang KFC Rugi,Lebih Baek Naikin Harga 1pcs Dada Mentok Daripada Beli Pake 2pcs Ayam!
hapusin deh sistem paket nggak jelas yg mengharuskan beli ayam 2pcs.mana nggak boleh milih juga! mau ikut2an ky tetangga sebelah yg jual burger,dipaket2 segala ayamnya!? bikin males!
Every day, more than 12 million customers are served at KFC restaurants... in 109 countries and territories around the world. KFC operates more than 5,200 restaurants in the United States and more than 15,000 units around the world.(Show more)