No need to leave to hotel for a drink, the hotelpub is worth a try! Use code 4SQHQ for an extra 10% off your (already discounted!) booking through the HotelQuickly app. Read more
The rooms and building are really old. You can see the age from the design. The food is not hotel quality, there's no wifi, though the service is OK. The price is almost the same as the better hotels.
Weekend kelabu lg,ga bs kumpul keluarga kecilku lg,huufffttt...wedhus gembel.. Tp ada sedikit hiburan setelah liat kompas TV,serasa pas jaman muda dl..
Pelayanannya sangat ramah, rasa makanannya jg lmyn. Tp sayang kondisi kamar & kmr mandinya perlu di renovasi sptnya. Krn pas buka pintu ada bau yg tdk sedap spt bau lembab.