Operation hour for SSM (Lvl 14) - 8.15am to 4.15am for anyone want to take number & applying / office still open till 5.15pm, still can collect document. overall good, friendly & fast!
Business renewal/registration..13 counters available, 1 for inquiry and 1 for OKU.. Fully operational counters will take you about 30 minutes to 1 hour to get your thing done..
An unexpected surprise. What used to be a time consuming exercise has become quite efficient. Get your biz registered within an hour! But find some other way here or you'll get slaughtered at parking.
find ssm on facebook/ssmofficialpage, twitter/ssmofficialpage, youtube/ssmofficialpage, flickr/ssmofficialpage.. comment/tweet them and they will respond!!
Parking RM4 per hour. If you are attending training u might get validation but still cost RM10. if you are expecting long hours with SSM, better take public transport. Save urself from baf traffic too