Get here early as there about 6 platforms and your train can be on any one. You would need time to find the correct one and then get to it. Quickest way is to ask a porter or a shop keeper.
If you want to go majestic try back door of railway station.hate climbing stairs..move between platform from the end of the platform 1(ie right side of entrance from back gate or left from front gate
Got 2 entrances!!! One leading off from tumkur road.. And the other at the back!!! Cleaner than the bangalore central station, haha not smelly at all by railway standards
Finding good food at this place is a nightmare. Go to platform #1 and walk out of the station, to the left you'll find a hotel called New Metro, they serve good food.
It's a pain 2 reach this place, but the station looks good & clean, not much hawkers or crowd. Coolie crew hasn't changed much, reminds me of #Amitabh in famous #coolie #railway