Pick up your Cats at the Movies tickets (free tickets to the Roxy downtown for UVM students) on Mondays from the Student Life office on the 3rd floor. Bring your CATCard and come early - they go fast!
I'm enjoying my time here at ACUI! I'm meeting some great new people. I'm also learning so much that I can't wait to bring back to my school and share with the students! ☺️
Need to charge your phone/iPad? Use one of the three free charge stations - on the 3rd floor in Henderson's, on the 2nd floor by New World Tortilla and on the 1st floor by the fireplacelounge.
The info deskers are super helpful. Stop by the first or third floor desks or call 802-656-INFO. They are happy to answer questions about UVM or look things up for you!
Fourth floor landing for comfy chairs and a quietstudy space. First floor for noontime concerts and weeknight events. Second floor to stop by the Student Life office & say hi! Read more
For all the euphoric flavors you can't get enough of – especially... the ones you can't get in ordinary stores – nobody scoops Ben & Jerry's better than we do at our scoop shops.(Show more)