The Espresso Roast has a strong and bitter aftertaste with a moderate body of sweet, over ripe, black cherry. It is well suited for a dessert beverages or pairing with chocolate.
The standard Papua New Guinea beans have a dark roast with a strong oily flavor similar to Italian roast coffees. The oily character gives the cup mostly body flavor, notably earth and blueberry tones
Different crew working this morning. SO much better than before, especially at window. Respect and polite language are requisites when working in a service industry.
Sumatra beans have sweet and deep earthy tones that are present in the aroma and body of the cup. Noticeable flavors are primarily bitter dark chocolate and floral or mild parsley.
The Veranda blend, one of the blonde roast blends now served at Starbucks, delivers a bite to the mouth of your coffee. There's not much back of tongue, but it's a crisp floral and grapefruit rind.
This year's Christmas Blonde has a brighter acidic finish than the standard medium roastChristmas blend. A banana toned sweet mouth is accentuated amidst a mild chocolate and earthy body.
The Verona beans have a buttery flavor from the oils of this dark roast coffee. The body of earthy chunks is up to the task of equalling the persuasive oily mouth. Verona is a very bold cup.