So many flavours and brands of hotpotsoup base and sauces found here; just in time for CNY reunion steamboat. Most of these not available at our usual local supermarkets yet.
芝麻酱 / 花生芝麻酱 for steamboat. Many flavours of hotpotsoup base and sauces found at Yue Hwa Chinese Products departmental store. Most of these not available at our usual local supermarkets yet.
Good variety of hotpotsoup base and sauces found here; just in time for CNY reunion steamboat. Most of these not available at our usual local supermarkets yet.
Did u know? Bldg was formerly d Great Southern Hotel built 1936. It was 1st Chinese hotel 2 hv a lift. Bldg was also popularly known as Nam Tin ("Southern Sky" in Cantonese). Source: Infopedia
I bought this Chang san for my nephew. It is a size 4 for a 2-3 year old boy or girl. Its of better quality than some others I saw around chinatown and elsewhere. Cost $39.
Replenish 沙茶酱 Sha Cha Jiang (Chinese version of Satay Sauce) for some random homemade version of Taohu Goreng at this unique Chinese Departmental store.