night biketour of the monuments is a great 3 hours long, but not tiring at all as most of the ride is on flat ground. Easy way to see all the monuments instead of walking in the hot sun!
Interning in D.C.? Grab a key tag from The Washington Center and take 20% off your tour of D.C. by bike or Segway during InternsROCK! June 7 - 16th 2013. #InternsROCK
Bike And Roll DC
955 L'Enfant Plaza SW Washington, D.C.20024 United States
Bike and Roll DC offers guided bike tours, Segway tours, and... a wide variety of bike rentals in Washington, DC. Bike and Roll DC's bike and Segway tours are a fun and interactive way for locals and visitors to tour the National Mall, major sites, monuments and memorials...(Show more)