Also known as the Le Madeleine, this is a beautiful Roman Catholic church that has Neo-classical architecture. Do not miss the nave with three domes and the sculpture of the Last Judgment.
Finally I got inside this amazing church. At the time the organ was playing and the sound was so powerful and evolving that made that moment truly magical! A must go in Paris!
It was first place that Hemingway visited in Paris during World War I in 1918. He was standing next to the church while the shells were falling from the bombardment. Read more
Looking like a Parthenon, it was meant to bring some Greek atmosphere to Paris. Don't pass by, get inside and find yourself being stunned by the altar.
Uma das Igrejas mais antigas de Paris e, de bônus, um dos altares mais belos. Às vezes tem surpresa, na minha visita tinha a apresentação de um coral infantil que rendeu boas lágrimas
Una iglesia muy bonita, en su interior y exterior. Recomendable visitarla con calma. Está situada apenas a unos minutos a pie de la Plaza de la Concordia.
Em setembro, a igreja é tomada por franceses e brasileiros vestidos de branco, carregando rodos, vassouras e água-de-cheiro: é a Lavagem da Madeleine, em alusão a Lavagem do Bonfim, em Salvador.
Il y a une bibliothèque pour tous au rez-de-chaussée, 17€ par an + 1.5€ par livre emprunté. Choix très limité, pas de livres en anglais, de bandes dessinées ou livres pour enfants.
Монументальное сооружение эпохи Бонапарта. Здесь проходят удивительные концерты органной музыки - в церкви замечательная акустика. Вход free/пн-вс 9.30–19.00
Si vous souhaitez assister à un concert de musique classique oubliez la Madeleine ! L'acoustique y est trop mauvaise quand on est au fond le son est aplati et on entend quasi rien..
Je ne suis pas spécialiste des églises! Mais je lai trouvée très belle majestueuse alintérieur. En revanche a peine les échafaudages enlevés qu elle commence déjà a noircir.