V K White: Don't get drunk, wreck yer car, run nekked round I-35, n go in a convience store want'n smokes!..Don't go Randy Travis on us!!!Quack..Quack!
Ivy: No matter what you look like, you're beautiful in your own way; Don't let anybody bring you down, because the ones who say you're ugly; are the ones who truly wish they are as beautiful as you are.
ËℓϑᎥĘŠ: If 5 seconds of smile you can make a photograph more beautiful.. then just imagine how beautiful your life will be when you keep on smiling.. >_<
Lorie Gibbons: Tread softly here for there are little ears who hear you. Twenty-six angels watch over those who were left behind. Honor them by making sure this never happens again in any other town.
Amorous G: heard beauty is skin deep, I feel a model should be liked for her beauty she expresses from within rather than what a team of makeup artists reveal (what if her audience were blind) or wish they were
Marie: Theres a difference between pretty and beautiful. When someone is pretty, they have a good appearance, but when someone is beautiful, they shine on the inside and out.
Rollo Largen: When you love someone, every min without them feels like an hour, an hour like a day, day a week, week a month, month a year, year a lifetime!! What does a lifetime feel like???
Jalan 3/48A, Sentul Perdana, Bandar Baru Sentul, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur
Apartment or Condo · 13 tips and reviews
Esha ♡♥ Aisya: It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.