Čajovna za zrcadlem is one of USE-IT Brno.

1. Čajovna za zrcadlem

Jiráskova 255/55 (Veveří), Brno, Jihomoravský
Tea Room · Veveří · 34 tips and reviews

USE-IT BrnoUSE-IT Brno: This teahouse is known for its friendly staff and the variety of delicious tea. The community of table gamers and LARP'ers also gathers here.

Vegalité is one of USE-IT Brno.

2. Vegalité

Slovákova 10, Brno, Jihomoravský
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Veveří · 48 tips and reviews

USE-IT BrnoUSE-IT Brno: During lunch time, Vegalite only offers vegetarian and vegan dishes. In the evening, the place changes into a cosy alternative pub. If you are not in the mood to drink, try the lemonade "Zon".

Bistro Franz is one of USE-IT Brno.

3. Bistro Franz

Veveří 14, Brno, Jihomoravský
Bistro · Veveří · 106 tips and reviews

USE-IT BrnoUSE-IT Brno: The interior has won a few design awards. You can have a look while drinking a fair-trade coffee, or eating delicious French quiche. Or try some seasonal regional dishes - the menu changes daily.