We couldn't fit all of Student Life's "101 Things" into a Foursquare list, but you'll find some of them here. You can find the full list at http://www.umflint.edu/studentlife/101Things.htm.
College Football Field · Central Ann Arbor · 114 tips and reviews
UM-Flint: (101): UM-Flint students, attending a University of Michigan football game at the Big House is on your "101 Things to Do" list. Be sure and check it off!
College Administrative Building · 3 tips and reviews
UM-Flint: (101): UM-Flint students, attending an event in the Northbank Center ballroom is on your "101 Things" list. If you're here for an event, be sure to check it off!
UM-Flint: (101): UM-Flint students, playing football or frisbee on the multipurpose field next to WSW is on your "101 Things to Do" list. Go out there and check it off your list!