Leisure Channel - BSD City
WTC Serpong 21 is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

1. WTC Serpong 21

WTC Matahari Lt. 3 (Jl. Raya Serpong No. 39), Tangerang, Banten
Movie Theater · 10 tips and reviews

Anthony W.Anthony W: Makin sepi, hanya hypermart saja rame

BSD XXI is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.


BSD Plaza, Lt. 2 (Jalan Pahlawan Seribu, BSD Sektor IV), Tangerang, Banten
Movie Theater · 84 tips and reviews

tana t.tana tutuko: Nonton dsini enak dan murah lhoooo...

Disc Tarra is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

3. Disc Tarra

BSD Plaza, Lantai Dasar (Jalan Pahlawan Seribu), Tangerang, Banten
Record Store · 2 tips and reviews
Damai Indah Golf & Country Club BSD City is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

4. Damai Indah Golf & Country Club BSD City

Jalan Bukit Golf Raya (Jalan Pahlawan Seribu), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Golf Course · 21 tips and reviews

Mohammad Athar B.Mohammad Athar Baridjambek: Tempatnya bagus... coba kalau valet di tambah pasti jd bagus banget

Nav Karaoke is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

5. Nav Karaoke

BSD Junction (Jalan Pahlawan Seribu, BSD City, Serpong), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Karaoke Bar · 7 tips and reviews

A.MA.M: Nggak lengkap, nggak asik. Huh!

Inul Vizta is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

6. Inul Vizta

BSD Junction (Jalan Pahlawan Seribu, BSD City, Serpong), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Karaoke Bar · 10 tips and reviews

Arga N.Arga Narada: Lagunya lumayan lengkap dan up-to-date

Happy Puppy is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

7. Happy Puppy

BSD Junction, Blok B12 & B15 (Jalan Pahlawan Seribu, BSD City, Serpong), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Karaoke Bar · 8 tips and reviews

M Fauzan P.M Fauzan Putro Utomo: 2 hours get voucher 1 hour free!!!

Taman Kota 1 is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

8. Taman Kota 1

BSD City (Jalan Letnan Sutopo, Serpong), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Park · 61 tips and reviews

Benny C.Benny Chandra: 1km jogging track, quite slippery after rain. A lot of people use this park for dating. Toilet available, but no shower

Ocean Park Water Adventure is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

9. Ocean Park Water Adventure

Jl. Pahlawan Seribu CBD Area (BSD City - Serpong), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Water Park · 130 tips and reviews

Marlisa K.Marlisa Kurniati: Antriannya panjang banget,, buy 1 get 1 cc BCA atau Mandiri.. Sembari nunggu, liat2 ini dulu aja^^ http://boendistore.blogspot.com

CGV Cinemas is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

10. CGV Cinemas

Teraskota, 3rd Floor (Sektor IV, CBD Lot VII B, BSD City), Tangerang, Banten
Movie Theater · 242 tips and reviews

MHD HATTA K.MHD HATTA KOTO: Pake Blitzcard lebih yahhudd.. Banyak promo, disc n nga perlu ngantri..

Jajan Jazz - Teras Kota is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

11. Jajan Jazz - Teras Kota

Teraskota - BSD City (Jalan Kapten Soebianto Djojohadikusumo), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Music Venue · 3 tips and reviews
Teraskota is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

12. Teraskota

Jalan Kapten Soebianto Djojohadikusumo, CBD Lot VII B, BSD City (Lengkong Gudang Serpong), Tangerang, Banten
Shopping Mall · 329 tips and reviews

Dina K.Dina Kosasih: It has Blitzmegaplax, Celebrity Fitnesss, and much more outlets to visit.

Fun World is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

13. Fun World

Teraskota BSD City (Jalan Kapten Soebianto Djojohadikusumo), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Playground · 7 tips and reviews

Leliana R.Leliana Radithya: Playgroundnya 25 rebu dah dpt kaos kaki, tempatnya kecill tp justru jd ga ribet jagain anaknya hehe

Backyard Cafe is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

14. Backyard Cafe

Teraskota GF G-20a (Jalan Kapten Soebianto Djojohadikusumo), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Beer Garden · 17 tips and reviews

A.MA.M: Seru dengerin live music sambil seruput hot chocolate :)

Planetaria 56 is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

15. Planetaria 56

Jalan Arteri Barat - Timur, Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Bar · 4 tips and reviews
Arena Futsal is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

16. Arena Futsal

Jalan Arteri Barat - Timur (BSD City, Serpong), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Football Stadium · 3 tips and reviews
MS Indoor Soccer BSD is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

17. MS Indoor Soccer BSD

Jalan Pahlawan Seribu (BSD City, Serpong), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Soccer Stadium · 11 tips and reviews

adi n.adi nurtantyo: servicenya mantaf, gak rugi bayar premium

18. Tennis Court - Taman Jajan

Jalan Palm Anggur (BSD City - Serpong), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Tennis Court · 3 tips and reviews

Syafrian A.Syafrian Adiananda: Fasilitas kurang terawat !

Meadow Terrace Sports Club is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

19. Meadow Terrace Sports Club

The Green Cluster - BSD City (Jalan Kapten Soebianto Djojohadikusumo), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Swimming Pool · 5 tips and reviews

Surjanto M.Surjanto Mulja: a very nice and quiet sports club inside The Green, BSD. Has an Olympic size swimming pool in a "forestry" surrounding

Atlantis Sport Club is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

20. Atlantis Sport Club

De Latinos BSD City (Jalan Buaran - Rawa Buntu, Serpong), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Water Park · 10 tips and reviews

Louis S.Louis Sudarso: Tergolong relatif murah. Yg paling enak tuh karena gak rame kayak tempat laen. Jd nyaman.

Sevilla Futsal Court is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

21. Sevilla Futsal Court

Cluster Sevilla Sektor 12.2 BSD City (Jalan Kencana Raya), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Soccer Stadium · No tips or reviews
Taman Kota 2 is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

22. Taman Kota 2

BSD City (Jalan Taman Tekno Widya, Serpong), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Park · 11 tips and reviews

Mahmud Z.Mahmud Zaeni: Welcome Weekend!

Lubana Sengkol ( Pemancingan & Pondok Makan ) is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

23. Lubana Sengkol ( Pemancingan & Pondok Makan )

BSD City, Bsd City, Serpong
Seafood Restaurant · 30 tips and reviews

Mutiara T.Mutiara Tiffany: Yg punya namanya @fransyoga , cakep, tempat enak, harga terjangkau, sambel lubana nya juara! :D

Living World XXI is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

24. Living World XXI

Living World, 2nd Floor (Jalan Sutera Utama Boulevard Kav. 17-18), Tangerang, Banten
Movie Theater · 77 tips and reviews

Muhamad H.Muhamad Hasim: Baru pertama. Kaya labirin,hehe..

Toys Kingdom is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

25. Toys Kingdom

Living World (Jalan Alam Sutera Boulevard Kav. 21), Tangerang, Banten
Toy Store · 9 tips and reviews
Downtown Walk is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

26. Downtown Walk

Summarecon Mal Serpong (Jalan Gading Serpong Bulevar), Tangerang, Banten
Music Venue · 161 tips and reviews

ZammilZammil: tempat asik buat kumpul kumpul ..!

Summarecon Serpong XXI is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

27. Summarecon Serpong XXI

Summarecon Mal Serpong Lt. 3 (Jalan Boulevard Gading Serpong), Tangerang, Banten
Movie Theater · 128 tips and reviews

Imanuel W.Imanuel Widjaja: The best alternative 21cineplex cinema in Serpong. 3D and midnight show available. Don't forget to play games and buy some snack!

Gading Raya Padang Golf & Club is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

28. Gading Raya Padang Golf & Club

Jl. Bulevar Gading Golf (Gading Serpong), Tangerang, Banten
Golf Course · 21 tips and reviews
Circuz Town® is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

29. Circuz Town®

Summarecon Mal Serpong, Ground Floor (Jalan Gading Serpong Bulevar), Tangerang, Banten
Amusement Park · 10 tips and reviews

Putri L.Putri Lestari: Bisa dibilang tempat nge-gymnya anak2. Abis puas manjat2, perosotan, loncat2 di trampolin, malemnya bobo pules, cape bo'. Bagus buat ngelatih motorik anak nih. Ga usah ikut tumble tots lagi hehe..

Imperial Klub Golf is one of Leisure Channel - BSD City.

30. Imperial Klub Golf

Jalan Imperial Golf, Lippo Karawaci (Jalan Pulau Golf), Tangerang, Banten
Golf Course · 22 tips and reviews