Mariano Matamoros 929 (e/ Diego de Montemayor y Francisco Javier Mina), Monterrey, Nuevo León
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 131 tips and reviews
Juan Ignacio Ramón 820 (Dr. Coss y Diego de Montemayor), Monterrey, Nuevo León
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 55 tips and reviews
José María Abasolo 870 (Diego de Montemayor), Monterrey, Nuevo León
Café · 450 tips and reviews
Platón Sanchez 226 Sur (Modesto Arreola), Monterrey, Nuevo León
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 88 tips and reviews
Xicoténcatl 745 (Carlos Salazar), Monterrey, Nuevo León
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Monterrey Centro · 39 tips and reviews
Abasolo 916-B (Diego de Montemayor), Monterrey, Nuevo León
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 43 tips and reviews
Francisco L. Rocha, Monterrey, Nuevo León
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 28 tips and reviews
Paricutín 1814 (Antigua Carretera Nacional), Monterrey, Nuevo León
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Colonia Roma · 66 tips and reviews
Abasolo 853 (Dr. Jose Maria Coss), Monterrey, Nuevo León
Falafel Restaurant · barrio antiguo · 24 tips and reviews
(Paseo Santa Lucía)
Canal Santa Lucía (e/ Dr. Coss y Av. Fundidora), Monterrey, Nuevo LeónRiver · 224 tips and reviews
11. Callejón Cultural Barrio Antiguo
Francisco Javier Mina 1140 (Padre Raymundo Jardon), Monterrey, Nuevo León
Art Gallery · 67 tips and reviews