Explore China with ŠKODA
Ningbo Museum is one of Explore China with ŠKODA.

1. Ningbo Museum

1000 Shounan M Rd | 首南中路1000号, 宁波, 浙江
History Museum · Yínzhōu · 7 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: Awarded a Pritzker Prize of architecture, the Museum building incorporates an exposition of 1300 years of Ningbo history and culture. The display is both in chinese and English, staff is helpful.

Tiantong Temple is one of Explore China with ŠKODA.

2. Tiantong Temple

鄞州区东吴镇, 宁波, 浙江
Buddhist Temple · 2 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: A tranquil, beautiful place to wander through and contemplate. The temple sits on a mountain slope with a beautiful scenery of bamboo groves and green mountains, where you can go hiking.

Tianfeng Tower is one of Explore China with ŠKODA.

3. Tianfeng Tower

海曙区大沙泥街258号, 宁波, 浙江
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: The view of Ningbo from the top of the tower is definitely worth climbing 14 floors up the narrow stairs. Getting to the tower is easy, just take a bus to KaiMing Jie or XianXue Jie.

阿育王寺后山 is one of Explore China with ŠKODA.

4. 阿育王寺后山

中国, 宁波, 浙江
Uncategorized · 2 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: Find out about life of the buddhist monks in their very prime monastery. The big complex of temples, pagodas and ponds surrounded by cinnamon trees and bamboo forest is shady even in hot summer.

菱湖公园 is one of Explore China with ŠKODA.

5. 菱湖公园

菱湖南路, 安庆市, 安徽
Park · 1 tip

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: Not so crowded place full of historic buildings and lakes, that are great for boating. Especially charming at night, when Lighnu park seems to be a quietly singing girl as described by locals.

Pudong Riverside Promenade is one of Explore China with ŠKODA.

6. Pudong Riverside Promenade

Riverside Promenade (along Huangpu River), Huangpu, 上海市
Waterfront · Lùjiāzuǐ · 16 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: The promenade offers a very pleasant way to spend an evening strolling along the riverside looking across Bund river at the impressive Pudong skyline all lit up.

Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum is one of Explore China with ŠKODA.

7. Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum

62 Changyang Rd | 长阳路62号 (near Zhoushan Rd | 近舟山路), 上海市, 上海市
History Museum · Tílán qiáo · 14 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: This small museum is dedicated to a little known chapter in the history of the Holocaust – a Chinese consulate official who helped European jews to find shelter in Shanghai during WWII. Very touching.

Yu Garden is one of Explore China with ŠKODA.

8. Yu Garden

132 Anren St (湖心亭九曲桥北侧,豫园正门), Huangpu, 上海市
Garden · Yùyuán · 199 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: A quiet piece of old China in bustling Shanghai. It does absorb a lot of people but still could get a quite crowded. Come in the morning to enjoy its peaceful atmosphere.

Oriental Pearl Tower is one of Explore China with ŠKODA.

9. Oriental Pearl Tower

1 Century Ave | 世纪大道1号 (Lujiazui Ring Rd | 陆家嘴环路), 浦东, 上海市
Monument · Lùjiāzuǐ · 148 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: A long queue forms under the tower everyday, but the waiting pays off. The view will leave you breathless and glass floors will turn your legs into a jelly. A must-see for all Shanghai visitors.

The Great Wall at Mutianyu is one of Explore China with ŠKODA.

10. The Great Wall at Mutianyu

Mutianyu Rd Bohai Town, 怀柔, 北京市
Historic and Protected Site · Bóhǎi · 261 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: Until you see the Great wall for yourself, you won't really get the idea of dimensions involved. No wonder it is visible from space! Some parts of it don't feel that ancient due recent reconstruction.

Hall of Supreme Harmony is one of Explore China with ŠKODA.

11. Hall of Supreme Harmony

4 Jingshan Front St (Inside the Forbidden City), 北京市, 北京市
Historic and Protected Site · Dōngchéng qū · 4 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: If you want to really experience Chinese culture and history, then this is the place to visit. On Chinese holidays, be prepared to literally jostle half of China in already crowded premises.

Temple of Heaven is one of Explore China with ŠKODA.

12. Temple of Heaven

1 Tiantan E Rd | 天坛东路1号 (Tiantan N Rd | 天坛北路), 北京市, 北京市
Temple · 124 tips and reviews

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: The Temple of Heaven is a beautiful unusual round structure in the midst of a park. A large community of elderly locals uses the park to exercise, sing and play Mahjong and cards everyday.

Tianyi Pavillion is one of Explore China with ŠKODA.

13. Tianyi Pavillion

10 Tianyi Jie
History Museum · 1 tip

ŠKODA AUTO - CAREERŠKODA AUTO - CAREER: Once you walk through the main gate, you almost forget to be in Ningbo – a modern city with five millions inhabitants and full of skyscrapers. It’s a great place to recharge your batteries.