Cassaro's Itinerary
Palazzo dei Normanni is one of Cassaro's Itinerary.

1. Palazzo dei Normanni

Piazza del Parlamento, 1, Palermo, Sicilia
Palace · 37 tips and reviews

Sicily TourismSicily Tourism: Palazzo dei Normanni is a notable example of Norman architecture in Sicily. The consctruction began under the Arab domination in Sicily. It houses the famous and wonderful Cappella Palatina.

Cappella Palatina is one of Cassaro's Itinerary.

2. Cappella Palatina

Palazzo dei Normanni (Via Vittorio Emanuele), Palermo, Sicilia
Church · 30 tips and reviews

Sicily TourismSicily Tourism: Cappella palatina is the royal chapel of the Norman kings on Sicily. It was commisioned by Ruggero II on 1132. Inside the chapel there are wonderful mosaic attributed to Byzantine artists.

Porta Nuova is one of Cassaro's Itinerary.

3. Porta Nuova

Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Palermo, Sicilia
Historic and Protected Site · 8 tips and reviews

Sicily TourismSicily Tourism: Porta Nuova is one of the ancient gate of Palermo. It was commissioned on 1583 but due to an explosion was destroyed on 1667. The new conscrution began on 1669.

Cattedrale di Palermo is one of Cassaro's Itinerary.

4. Cattedrale di Palermo

Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Palermo, Sicilia
Church · 33 tips and reviews

Sicily TourismSicily Tourism: Is the main curch of the city and was made under Norman domination.It is characterized by the presence of different architectural styles. There is a wonderful crypt under the church.

Chiesa del Santissimo Salvatore is one of Cassaro's Itinerary.

5. Chiesa del Santissimo Salvatore

Corso ittorio-Emanuele, Palermo, Sicilia
Church · 4 tips and reviews

Sicily TourismSicily Tourism: An ancient monastery of the order of basilian sister. Built by Roberto il Guiscardo, famous for its link whit Costanza d'Altavilla, mother of Federico II

Quattro Canti is one of Cassaro's Itinerary.

6. Quattro Canti

Piazza Vigliena (Via Maqueda), Palermo, Sicilia
Historic and Protected Site · 28 tips and reviews

Sicily TourismSicily Tourism: Quattro Canti is a baroque square made on 1609-1620. The building contain fountains with statues of the four seasons, the four Spanish kings of Sicily, and of the patronesses of Palermo.

Piazza Pretoria is one of Cassaro's Itinerary.

7. Piazza Pretoria

Piazza Pretoria (Via Vittorio Emanuele), Palermo, Sicilia
Historic and Protected Site · 18 tips and reviews

Sicily TourismSicily Tourism: Know as "Piazza della Vergogna", nickname suggested by the naked statues on the square. In the center of this square there is the Pretoria Fountain.

Chiesa Santa Caterina Vergine e Martire is one of Cassaro's Itinerary.

8. Chiesa Santa Caterina Vergine e Martire

Piazza Bellini, Palermo, Sicilia
Church · 3 tips and reviews

Sicily TourismSicily Tourism: Built adjacent to the monastery founded by the Dominican Sisters of the '300. The structure has a single nave, typical age of the Counter-Reformation.

Chiesa Santa Maria Della Catena is one of Cassaro's Itinerary.

9. Chiesa Santa Maria Della Catena

Piazza Marina (Corso Vittorio Emanuele), Palermo, Sicilia
Church · 3 tips and reviews

Sicily TourismSicily Tourism: Santa maria della catena is a church near the Cala, ancient port of the city. The conscrution began on 1490; it is an example of the local gotich-catalan architecture.

Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri is one of Cassaro's Itinerary.

10. Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri

Universita' degli Studi di Palermo (Piazza Marina, 61), Palermo, Sicilia
University · 11 tips and reviews

Sicily TourismSicily Tourism: Built in 1307 by Giovanni Chiaromonte, has significant example of architecture of the XIV century.Hold the painting "The Vucciria" of Guttuso.

Porta Felice is one of Cassaro's Itinerary.

11. Porta Felice

Corso Vittorio Emanuele (Via Foro Umberto I), Palermo, Sicilia
Plaza · 1 tip

Sicily TourismSicily Tourism: Porta Felice is another gate of the ancient palermo, it was made on 1582 by Marcantonio Colonna. The architecture represents a mixture of Renaissance and Baroque aspects.