It's a must! - Limenas
Aqua is one of It's a must! - Limenas.

1. Aqua

Λιμένας, Θάσος, Καβάλα
Beach Bar · 25 tips and reviews
Καρναγιο Bar is one of It's a must! - Limenas.

2. Καρναγιο Bar

Θασος Λιμανάκι, Θάσος, Καβάλα
Café · 27 tips and reviews
Simi Restaurant is one of It's a must! - Limenas.

3. Simi Restaurant

Λιμένας Θάσου, Θάσος, Καβάλα
Greek Restaurant · 265 tips and reviews
Bacarrat is one of It's a must! - Limenas.

4. Bacarrat

Δημητριάδου, Θάσος, Καβάλα
Café · 5 tips and reviews
Tarsanas Hotel is one of It's a must! - Limenas.

5. Tarsanas Hotel

Θάσος, Καβάλα
Hotel · 18 tips and reviews