Finger Lakes

1. Finger Lakes Beer Company

8462 State Route 54, Hammondsport, NY
Brewery · 6 tips and reviews

Lauren W.Lauren Williams: $3 tastings! Love the Aviator and 11 11 Pale Ale-- but all the beers ruled! Mark, one of the owners, is a great host too.

2. Watkins Glen State Park

433 S Franklin St, Watkins Glen, NY
State or Provincial Park · 75 tips and reviews

Will D.Will Devine: The focus of USS Accord's Watkins Glen Weekend. A beautiful state park in New York's Finger Lakes region, STARFLEET chapter USS Accord holds a hike each fall. Everyone is invited to join in!

3. Cortland Beer Company

16 Court St (Main St.), Cortland, NY
Brewery · 17 tips and reviews

Sean S.Sean Smith: Large and solid to great selection of beer on tap. Tasty root beer as well.

Bully Hill Vineyards is one of Finger Lakes.

4. Bully Hill Vineyards

8843 Greyton H. Taylor Mem Dr. (County Route 76), Hammondsport, NY
Vineyard · 22 tips and reviews

JimJim: The views, the wines, the selection, all great! Love the sports and racing memorabilia, especially Cole Whitt's hood from Watkins Glen.