Places to Visit Before I Die
The Prophet's Mosque is one of Places to Visit Before I Die.

1. The Prophet's Mosque

(المسجد النبوي)
Madinah, Al-Madinah al-Munawarah
Mosque · 1068 tips and reviews

Razif R.Razif RomeoTango: If you intend to visit the Prophet and Rawdah, do it after Fajr and Isya prayers insyaAllah. The ladies hv priority to visit after Zohor.

The Holy Ka'aba is one of Places to Visit Before I Die.

2. The Holy Ka'aba

(الكعبة المشرفة)
Al-Masjid Al-Haram (شارع أجياد), مكة, منطقة مكة
Spiritual Center · 548 tips and reviews
Al-Rawdah is one of Places to Visit Before I Die.

3. Al-Rawdah

(الروضة الشريفة)
المسجد النبوي الشريف | Masjid Nabwi, المدينة المنورة | Al-Madina Al
Spiritual Center · 151 tips and reviews