Go broke in Berlin, have fun.
Due di Coppe is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..

1. Due di Coppe

Schlesische Str. 35 (Cuvrystr.), Berlin, Berlin
Italian Restaurant · Kreuzberg · 12 tips and reviews

Phil M.Phil Moehring: Try the house wine, listen to some good rock, and eat your heart out

Restaurant Bastard is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..

2. Restaurant Bastard

Reichenberger Str. 122, Berlin, Berlin
Breakfast Spot · Kreuzberg · 189 tips and reviews

Phil M.Phil Moehring: Try the fresh bread and try to get a window seat.

Liquidrom is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..

3. Liquidrom

Möckernstr. 10, Berlin, Berlin
Spa · Kreuzberg · 91 tips and reviews

Phil M.Phil Moehring: Spend a day in the city spa - come early to get a good chair, but don't be German and #occupy it all day. The OMM pool is incredible, prepare to get lost in time and space.

The Barn is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..

4. The Barn

Auguststr. 58 (Koppenplatz), Berlin, Berlin
Coffee Shop · Mitte · 429 tips and reviews

Phil M.Phil Moehring: Real hipster coffee for real hipsters. Try the pour overs and get some Kalter Hund.

Barcomi's Deli is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..

5. Barcomi's Deli

Sophienstr. 21 (2. Hof), Berlin, Berlin
Deli · Mitte · 288 tips and reviews

Phil M.Phil Moehring: MASSIVE Club Sandwich is the way to go. Also some great juices and breakfast, but that thing is just ridiculous. Hmmmmm so good.

STAB is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..


Gipsstr. 23, Berlin, Berlin
Shoe Store · Mitte · 4 tips and reviews

Phil M.Phil Moehring: If you are addicted to sneakers in general and limited editions in particular, avoid this place. You _will_ spend money.

Soto Store is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..

7. Soto Store

Torstr. 72, Berlin, Berlin
Men's Store · Mitte · 18 tips and reviews

Phil M.Phil Moehring: Epic coolness, and probably too much good stuff for you to not go crazy. Fine, exclusive, and really stylish streetwear.

Abhörstation Teufelsberg is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..

8. Abhörstation Teufelsberg

Teufelsseechaussee (im Forst Grunewald), Berlin, Berlin
Historic and Protected Site · Grunewald · 47 tips and reviews

Phil M.Phil Moehring: Go with a guided tour from http://berlinsightout.de/ if you want to hear some history, see the buildings from the inside, and more. Go on your own if you are adventurous!But, go. It's amazing.

Milchhalle is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..

9. Milchhalle

Auguststr. 50, Berlin, Berlin
Coffee Shop · Mitte · 57 tips and reviews

Phil M.Phil Moehring: Coffee. Drink it.

Jolesch is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..

10. Jolesch

Muskauer Str. 1 (Zeughofstr.), Berlin, Berlin
Austrian Restaurant · Kreuzberg · 72 tips and reviews

Phil M.Phil Moehring: ACE Schnitzel and good Austrian wines. Don't forget the desert wine.

Café Fleury is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..

11. Café Fleury

Weinbergsweg 20, Berlin, Berlin
Café · Mitte · 134 tips and reviews
W - Der Imbiss is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..

12. W - Der Imbiss

Kastanienallee 49 (Zionskirchstr.), Berlin, Berlin
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Mitte · 253 tips and reviews

Phil M.Phil Moehring: The best Naan breads, and a great place to look at people on Casting Allee.

Pauls Boutique is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..

13. Pauls Boutique

Oderberger Str. 47, Berlin, Berlin
Vintage and Thrift Store · 15 tips and reviews

Phil M.Phil Moehring: Vintage and 2nd hand, check out the vinyl figure gallery and the boom boxes.

solebox is one of Go broke in Berlin, have fun..

14. solebox

Nürnberger Str. 16, Berlin, Berlin
Shoe Store · Charlottenburg · 8 tips and reviews

Phil M.Phil Moehring: A must go sneaker store when in Berlin.