Renaissance architecture
Belvedere | Royal Summer Palace | Queen Anne’s Summer Palace is one of Renaissance architecture.

1. Belvedere | Royal Summer Palace | Queen Anne’s Summer Palace

(Belveder | Královský letohrádek | Letohrádek královny Anny)
Mariánské hradby, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Palace · Hradčany · 8 tips and reviews

Prague G.Prague Games: The Summer Palace was build in 1560 to serve, among other things, as a feature enhancing the pleasure of a sojourn in the garden. Today, it fills its purpose as well as in 16th century.

Royal Garden is one of Renaissance architecture.

2. Royal Garden

(Královská zahrada)
Mariánské hradby (U Prašného mostu), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Garden · Hradčany · 17 tips and reviews This one is arguably the most beautiful gardens in the Prague Castle. The Royal Garden is the largest, and a great example of the Renaissance style. Lots of rare and exotic plants to see here.

Schwarzenberg Palace is one of Renaissance architecture.

3. Schwarzenberg Palace

(Národní galerie Praha | Schwarzenberský palác)
Hradčanské nám. 185/2, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Art Museum · Hradčany · 12 tips and reviews
Al Minuto Ristorante is one of Renaissance architecture.

4. Al Minuto Ristorante

Staroměstské nám. 3, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Italian Restaurant · Staré Město · 38 tips and reviews
National Theatre is one of Renaissance architecture.

5. National Theatre

(Národní divadlo)
Národní 225/1 (Masarykovo nábř.), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Theater · Praha 1 · 73 tips and reviews

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: The National Theatre in Prague is known as the Alma Mater of Czech opera, and as the national monument of Czech history and art. Today consists of three artistic ensembles – opera, ballet and drama.

Rudolfinum is one of Renaissance architecture.

6. Rudolfinum

Alšovo nábř. 79/12, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Structure · Staré Město · 38 tips and reviews

Little Town Budget Hotel PragueLittle Town Budget Hotel Prague: Located close to the Vltava River, the Rudolfinum Parking Garage charges CZK 50 per hour and CZK 650 for 24-hour parking.

National Museum is one of Renaissance architecture.

7. National Museum

(Národní muzeum)
Václavské nám. 1700/68, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Museum · Praha 2 · 61 tips and reviews

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: The National Museum, the oldest museum institution in Bohemia, was established as a “national museum” in 1818 by the ceremonial declaration of the of aristocracy on 15th April.