Gradska kuća is one of subotica.

1. Gradska kuća

Trg Slobode 1, Subotica, Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina
City Hall · 10 tips and reviews

Visit SuboticaVisit Subotica: The City Hall, the centre and symbol of Subotica, was built in 1912 and was designed by Komor and Jakab, the renowned architects.

Savremena galerija Subotica is one of subotica.

2. Savremena galerija Subotica

Park Rajhl Ferenca 5 (at Đure Đakovića), Subotica, Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina
Art Gallery · 3 tips and reviews

Visit SuboticaVisit Subotica: Built in 1904 by the architect Ferenc Raichle. The unusual combination of colours, the vibrancy of forms makes this sumptuous mansion an exceptional example of the art nouveau architecture.