Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー)
Be A Good Neighbor Coffee Kiosk is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

1. Be A Good Neighbor Coffee Kiosk

六本木1-4-5 (アークヒルズサウスタワー B1F 福島屋内), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 六本木 · 22 tips and reviews

DanDan: Great coffee, unpretentious service and an excellent space to work. There's free wifi (from ark hills) and they have an eclectic selection of pastries and waffles to try.

MONZ CAFE is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).


富岡1-14-5 (人情深川ご利益通り), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 深川 · 24 tips and reviews

DanDan: Beautiful Melbourne-style cafe, which means they'll do you a flat white, a rarity in Tokyo. Don't leave without trying the brownies.

Toranomon Koffee is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

3. Toranomon Koffee

虎ノ門1-23-3 (虎ノ門ヒルズ森タワー 2F), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 61 tips and reviews

DanDan: Reasonably priced for the location with large benches and wifi. Their individual drip is great but, weirdly, only served between 1-5pm daily. Try the almond friand cubes.

4. Sarutahiko Coffee

恵比寿1-6-6 (斎藤ビル 1F), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 恵比寿 · 118 tips and reviews

DanDan: Their Jedi beans are the real deal. Can be challenging to find a seat, but there's a nice park just down the road if the weather's good.

NOZY COFFEE is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).


下馬2-29-7, 世田谷区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 17 tips and reviews

Aude Y.Aude Yukiko: Great single origin coffee beans roasted at the shop.

Little Nap COFFEE STAND is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

6. Little Nap COFFEE STAND

代々木5-65-4, 渋谷区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 73 tips and reviews

Alper Ç.Alper Çuğun: This is a beautiful coffee stand with splendid coffee. The location is a bit out of the way which makes it great to drink your coffee and stare out of the window.

Allpress Espresso Tokyo Roastery & Cafe is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

7. Allpress Espresso Tokyo Roastery & Cafe

平野3-7-2, 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 深川 · 41 tips and reviews

DanDan: Antipodean styled cafe that pulls great flat whites. Can get hectic on weekends. Great grilled cheese sandwiches.

Maruyama Coffee is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

8. Maruyama Coffee

西麻布3-13-3, 港区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 37 tips and reviews

DanDan: Expensive and a touch pretentious, but the coffee is excellent and it's great for working.

FUGLEN TOKYO is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).


富ヶ谷1-16-11, 渋谷区, 東京都
Café · 178 tips and reviews

Alper Ç.Alper Çuğun: This place offers all of the good things Scandinavia is known for: wood based interior design, excellent coffee, a wide selection of craft beer and spectacular cocktails.

Lattest Azabujuban Espresso&Bar is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

10. Lattest Azabujuban Espresso&Bar

麻布十番2-8-1, 東京, 東京都
Bar · 麻布 · 7 tips and reviews

DanDan: A cool spot in Azabu that takes over a craft store after hours (it opens at 6pm). At close to 600 yen, it's expensive, but an awesome atmosphere for a late night coffee fix.

The Roastery by Nozy Coffee is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

11. The Roastery by Nozy Coffee

神宮前5-17-13 (ダイイチHOKI神宮前ビル 1F), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 北青山 · 174 tips and reviews

sputneeksputneek: Chic industrial-looking roastery cum cafe along Cat street. Baristas explain the different types of coffee patiently if you are interested. Coffee is robust and the latte art is painstakingly poured.

Gumtree Coffee Company is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

12. Gumtree Coffee Company

新川2-14-2, 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 新川 · 18 tips and reviews

DanDan: An interesting two-storied space that's in a part of Tokyo that doesn't get enough love. Head out here, grab an excellent coffee, and explore.

Obscura Coffee Roasters is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

13. Obscura Coffee Roasters

神田須田町1-25-4 (mAAch ecute 神田万世橋 1F S4), 千代田区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 18 tips and reviews

DanDan: Huge selection of exotic beans to try. Limited seating, so take out and walk through the building to the river behind.

OYATSUYA SUN is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).


奥沢1-37-10 (102), 世田谷区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 4 tips and reviews

DanDan: Delicious freshly-baked pastries and a real neighbourhood vibe complement the coffee here. Beans by NOZY.

Bridge is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

15. Bridge

松が谷3-1-12, 台東区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 42 tips and reviews

DanDan: Sit at the counter for your coffee, then grab an ice-cream to take out and explore Kappabashi.

Streamer Coffee Company is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

16. Streamer Coffee Company

渋谷1-20-28, 渋谷区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 103 tips and reviews

DanDan: Lattes are enormous, and they'll pull an espresso if you ask. The military latte (white choc/green tea) isn't as horrific as it sounds, but not one for the coffee fans. Power points but no free wifi.


猿楽町2-3 (1F), 渋谷区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 10 tips and reviews

DanDan: Hole in the wall mainly focused on selling beans, but they'll knock you up an excellent drip or pour-over to take out.

Onibus Coffee is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

18. Onibus Coffee

奥沢5-1-4 (1F), 世田谷区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 19 tips and reviews

J L.J L: Great guys selling some of the best coffee beans in Tokyo.

Obscura Laboratory is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

19. Obscura Laboratory

太子堂4-28-9, 世田谷区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 10 tips and reviews

Tora S.Tora Saeki: NYのマンハッタンかブルックリンにでもありそうな素敵な佇まいのお店。雰囲気バツグンです☆

About Life Coffee Brewers is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

20. About Life Coffee Brewers

道玄坂1-19-8 (斉丸道玄坂ビル 1F), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 道玄坂 · 61 tips and reviews

RikiRiki: 東京では珍しい「マルチ・ロースター」スタイルのコーヒー・スタンド。プロデュースは奥沢のOnibus Coffee。エスプレッソ&アメリカーノ、ラテ、フィルター(V60によるPour Over)と提供する種類毎にAmaneria Espresso、Onibus Coffee、Switch Coffeeの各店の豆を選べる他、ゲスト・バリスタやその時々の様々なロースターの豆をフューチャーしている。

Coutume 青山店 is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

21. Coutume 青山店

南青山5-9-15 (OHMOTOビル1F), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 青山 · 22 tips and reviews

Fellexandro R.Fellexandro Ruby: The first one I saw in town that uses Alpha Dominche's Steampunk. Great experience seeing it works.

The Cream of the Crop Coffee is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

22. The Cream of the Crop Coffee

渋谷2-21-1 (渋谷ヒカリエ ShinQs 1F), 渋谷区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 24 tips and reviews

Emily K.Emily K.: If you need some food, go to the basement floors for some pastry or sweets and grab a table here with some coffee. The coffee soft serve is tiny and pricey – but delicious.


小山3-6-15 (パークホームズ武蔵小山 1F), 品川区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 武蔵小山 · 13 tips and reviews

Daisuke I.Daisuke Ishihara: スペシャルティコーヒーが1種を除き、380円で飲めます。

Bear Pond Espresso is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

24. Bear Pond Espresso

北沢2-36-12, 世田谷区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 74 tips and reviews

TrevorTrevor: The espresso I've always dreamt of: short, thick, bubbly, dark and chocolatey. Worth the trip not just to Shimokitazawa (which turns out to be a fun neighbourhood) but possibly to Japan, too.

Downstairs Coffee is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

25. Downstairs Coffee

六本木7-3-10 (Mercedes me Tokyo 1F), 東京, 東京都
Café · 六本木 · 53 tips and reviews

sputneeksputneek: Ample seating space next to the Mercedes Benz showroom and within walking distance from Nogizaka station and Tokyo Midtown. Pretty latte art.

Be A Good Neighbor Coffee Kiosk is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

26. Be A Good Neighbor Coffee Kiosk

千駄ヶ谷3-51-6 (トーエイハイツ 1C), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 千駄ヶ谷 · 43 tips and reviews

Emanuel A.Emanuel Avermaete: Nice cozy place. My double espresso was prepared with the greatest care ever. These guys take their coffee serious. Very friendly atmosphere. Recommended!

Blue Bottle Coffee is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

27. Blue Bottle Coffee

平野1-4-8, 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 深川 · 49 tips and reviews

Fuyuhiko T.Fuyuhiko Takaya: Here is the first blue bottle coffee (BBC) shop, which is pronoun of third wave coffee movement, outside of U.S. Now BBC has a store in Aoyama and a plan to open a new shop at Daikanyama was postponed Read more.

COFFEE VALLEY is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).


南池袋2-26-3, 豊島区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 59 tips and reviews

Benedict T.Benedict Terrell: By far the best coffee in Ikebukuro. Pass up the Starbucks and head here. ¥300 and ¥350 for the to-go coffee sizes. A great atmosphere if you want to stay!

The Workers coffee / bar is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

29. The Workers coffee / bar

青葉台3-18-3 (THE WORKS 1F), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 青葉台 · 18 tips and reviews

DanDan: Great coffee in a beautiful space overlooking the nakameguro river. There's a shared table for working and free wifi.

Turret COFFEE is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

30. Turret COFFEE

築地2-12-6 (SK東銀座ビル 1F), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 築地 · 137 tips and reviews

Danielle J.Danielle Johnson: Cute and cosy coffee shop with lovely atmosphere! All coffees are triple ristretto! Macchiato goes really well with the butterscotch vanilla cake :)

COFFEE AMP THE ROASTER is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).


高円寺南2-20-13 (コアビル 102), 杉並区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 12 tips and reviews

sputneeksputneek: Serious roastery cum cafe with limited by-the-wall seating. I'm a fan of the smooth lattes.

Omotesando Koffee is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

32. Omotesando Koffee

神宮前4-15-3, 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 神宮前 · 130 tips and reviews

Charles C.Charles Chen: This has got to be one of the coolest places to get espresso drinks in the world. The old world Japanese building with a one man espresso show & garden make for a unique experience. A must in the area

LATTEST Omotesando Espresso Bar is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

33. LATTEST Omotesando Espresso Bar

神宮前3-5-2 (EFビル 1F), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 千駄ヶ谷 · 39 tips and reviews

Fellexandro R.Fellexandro Ruby: Try their signature 'Lattest'. Cold milk on a shot glass, poured with espresso on top.

Café Kitsuné is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

34. Café Kitsuné

南青山3-17-1 (1F), 東京, 東京都
Café · 青山 · 94 tips and reviews

DanDan: The coffee is good and the interior is gorgeous. Ask about the wallpaper.

ARiSE Coffee Roasters is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

35. ARiSE Coffee Roasters

平野1-13-8, 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 深川 · 10 tips and reviews

つか な.つか なな: 元The Cream of the Crop Coffeeの方のお店。他店に卸しているものを除き全体的に浅煎りが主でドリップはドーナツドリッパー。

Cafe Obscura is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

36. Cafe Obscura

三軒茶屋1-9-16, 世田谷区, 東京都
Café · 三軒茶屋 · 20 tips and reviews

BrommaboBrommabo: Serve only quite dark rosted coffee brew with siphon, baristas are friendly and skilled. The place are open late and to the coffee you can get a tasty cake.

lab.LABAR is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

37. lab.LABAR

猿楽町29-10 (ヒルサイドテラスC棟18号室), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 青葉台 · 8 tips and reviews

AlisaAlisa: Dunno what they do here but the coffee tastes super good. Free wifi, outlets, stylish comfy chairs. Plus the people who work here are extremely friendly and know their shit when it comes to coffee.

PADDLERS COFFEE is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).


神宮前6-18-14 (TODD SNYDER TOWNHOUSE 2F), 東京, 東京都
Café · 北青山 · 6 tips and reviews

つか な.つか なな: 参宮橋のLife Sonに同居していたコーヒースタンドの移転先。豆はSTUMPTOWN COFFEEをケメックス+メタルフィルターで。

COBI COFFEE is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).


南青山5-10-5 (第1九曜ビル 1F), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 西麻布 · 6 tips and reviews

Nami K.Nami Kawazu: 一口甘いものも一緒に

SLOPE is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).


上井草2-35-2, 杉並区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 4 tips and reviews
Mojo Coffee is one of Tokyo Coffee (東京都コーヒー).

41. Mojo Coffee

早稲田鶴巻町110 (Ark I'sビル 1F-2F), 新宿区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 14 tips and reviews