Barnes & Noble is one of Starbucks.

1. Barnes & Noble

2615 Vista Way, Oceanside, CA
Bookstore · Fire Mountain · 14 tips and reviews

AT&TAT&T: This Barnes & Noble store is also an AT&T Wi-Fi Hot Spot. Curl up with your Nook and connect with AT&T Wi-Fi.

2. Donnal

1760 S Brentwood Blvd, St Louis, MO
Hair Salon · No tips or reviews
Whole Foods Market is one of Starbucks.

3. Whole Foods Market

1601 S Brentwood Blvd, St Louis, MO
Grocery Store · 79 tips and reviews

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: While you're here, you may as well pick me up a birthday gift. And if you do that, you'll have to come to my birthday show! Go to & enter code ELLEN54 to win tickets!