Performing Umrah in 1432H
The Prophet's Mosque is one of Performing Umrah in 1432H.

1. The Prophet's Mosque

(المسجد النبوي)
Madinah, Al-Madinah al-Munawarah
Mosque · 1068 tips and reviews

mardhiahmpmardhiahmp: Subhanallah! 1 of Haramain. Make sure u come earlier for solah. If not, u'll pray outside.

The Holy Mosque is one of Performing Umrah in 1432H.

2. The Holy Mosque

(المسجد الحرام)
Ajyad St, مكة, منطقة مكة
Mosque · Al-Haram · 1507 tips and reviews

mardhiahmpmardhiahmp: Sila masuk dengan tenang dan tetapkan hati. Feel bless!

Al-Rawdah is one of Performing Umrah in 1432H.

3. Al-Rawdah

(الروضة الشريفة)
المسجد النبوي الشريف | Masjid Nabwi, المدينة المنورة | Al-Madina Al
Spiritual Center · 151 tips and reviews

mardhiahmpmardhiahmp: Jangan kelam kabut. Take ur time. Please smell the bau of Raudhah dalam2. *speechless*

King Abdulaziz Gate is one of Performing Umrah in 1432H.

4. King Abdulaziz Gate

(بوابة الملك عبدالعزيز)
Masjidil Haram, مكة, منطقة مكة
Other Great Outdoors · 14 tips and reviews

mardhiahmpmardhiahmp: Pintu hadapan Masjidil Haram. dekat dengan Hotel Hilton

Tan'im Mosque is one of Performing Umrah in 1432H.

5. Tan'im Mosque

(جامع التنعيم)
Taneem, مكة, منطقة مكة
Mosque · 28 tips and reviews

mardhiahmpmardhiahmp: Miqat terdekat dari masjidil Haram. Jaga pantang larang ihram ye!

Mount Arafat is one of Performing Umrah in 1432H.

6. Mount Arafat

(جبل عرفة)
Arafah, مكة, منطقة مكة
Spiritual Center · 96 tips and reviews

mardhiahmpmardhiahmp: Sila ingat tangga mana anda naik dan pastikan turun tangga yang sama. If not, u'll be lost!

Mount Arafat is one of Performing Umrah in 1432H.

7. Mount Arafat

(جبل عرفة)
Arafah, مكة, منطقة مكة
Spiritual Center · 96 tips and reviews
Quba Mosque is one of Performing Umrah in 1432H.

8. Quba Mosque

(مسجد قباء)
8074 طارق بن عبدالرحمن البجلي, Al Khatim (Al Madinah), المدينة, Al Madīnah
Mosque · 161 tips and reviews

mardhiahmpmardhiahmp: Solat sunat 2 rakkat kat sini menyamai dengan 1 umrah bersama Rasulullah

The Holy Mosque is one of Performing Umrah in 1432H.

9. The Holy Mosque

(المسجد الحرام)
Ajyad St, مكة, منطقة مكة
Mosque · Al-Haram · 1507 tips and reviews

mardhiahmpmardhiahmp: tenung Ka'abah lama2 dan doa banyak2! menangis pun xpe!