These are the vintage 1950's little mom n pop motels you find along Maryland's scenic byways. Often referred to as "No Tell Motels" because of your ability to rent the rooms at some by the hour.
Naptown 💪 Larry: "One of West Baltimore's most famous / infamous No Tell Motels... Brown's Motel "Rooms of the World" include Parisian, Chinese, Tropical, Cape Cod, African, Las Vegas and Indian motifs."
Naptown 💪 Larry: With "Sound proof rooms", Heart Shaped Jacuzzi Tubs, and Mirrored Ceilings, is it any wonder the Tip-Top Motel made the Baltimore No Tell Motel list?
Naptown 💪 Larry: Creepy but True... The 911 Hijacking team that crashed into the Pentagon all stayed in the Valencia Hotel. Their leader Mohamed Atta held their final planning session prior to the attack in room 343.