20 favorite restaurants
Amadeus I is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

1. Amadeus I

Sint-Paulusplaats 20, Antwerpen, Provincie Antwerpen
BBQ Joint · Historisch Centrum · 43 tips and reviews
Quick is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

2. Quick

Grote Steenweg 462, Berchem, Provincie Antwerpen
Fast Food Restaurant · 18 tips and reviews
Den Uil is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

3. Den Uil

Doornstraat 246, Wilrijk, Provincie Antwerpen
Brasserie · 15 tips and reviews
Cremerie François is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

4. Cremerie François

Ankerstraat 34, Sint-Niklaas, Oost-Vlaanderen
Ice Cream Parlor · 79 tips and reviews