Good Spots to be at during full moon. I will list all great spots EXCEPT ONE which is out of this world... you gotta contact me directly if you want to know where :) It's simply too precious...
Kamil 😈: Great for taking photos of the full moon rising behind Waikiki hotel buildings (Makes the moon look bigger). Occasional yoga classes (@yogawithgin)
Kamil 😈: Perfect for a romantic full moon picnic. Walk down the beach towards Diamon Head to find a quiet place and enjoy a good wine & cheese with your date.
Kamil 😈: CW+friends+drinks+fullMoon = As good as it gets! Not the most private spot but the people here are chilled back. DO NOT GO INTO THE WATER AT NIGHT... the sharks will eat you! (°^^^°)
Kamil 😈: Great spot for camping and watching the full moon rise. On most fridays you'll get away with camping without having a permit.The fishermen at night are always good for talk story!
Kamil 😈: AT NIGHT - Walk down the beach for about 5 minutes towards Haleiwa. Awesome spot for spontaneous camp out under clear sky specially at full moon. I could see the sunset and moonrise at the same time.
State or Provincial Park · North Shore · 7 tips and reviews
Kamil 😈: Perfect for watching shooting stars and occasional UFO fly overs... have your camera ready for some great moon shots as well. Make sure not to come alone here and DONT leave valuables in your car!