American Business Language Academy Chicago: "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them" John Fitzgerald-Kennedy "Happy Thanksgiving!"
Ivy: No matter what you look like, you're beautiful in your own way; Don't let anybody bring you down, because the ones who say you're ugly; are the ones who truly wish they are as beautiful as you are.
Dee D': We are all soldiers of life, fighting to stay alive. We are all soldiers of joy, smiling to shield any pain. We are all soldiers of love, involving the heart in the most powerful battle of all <3
Marie: Theres a difference between pretty and beautiful. When someone is pretty, they have a good appearance, but when someone is beautiful, they shine on the inside and out.
Rollo Largen: When you love someone, every min without them feels like an hour, an hour like a day, day a week, week a month, month a year, year a lifetime!! What does a lifetime feel like???
Женечка: ЗАДНИЦА - многофункционaльнaя чaсть телa. Кроме основного преднaзнaчения, ей думaют, ей же чувствуют, через неё принимaют решения, нa неё ищут приключения, a когдa нaйдут, в ней же и сидят!...
Alyona: Неужели вы думаете, что когда ночью лежишь в постели одна, то мысль о том, что тебя любит полмира, может тебя утешить? Полмира - это ничто, если не любит тот, кто тебе нужен.Бриджит Бордо
Home (private) · Северное Бутово · No tips or reviews
Liliia Kholodilina 🌹🌹🌹: Keep love in your heart.A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are deadThe consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring
FyzKa PЯoPa KЯB™: Taking Care Of Each Other Is Good For Your Relationship ! Appreciate Your Love One ! Sweet Like Sugar And Everything Nice ! Kikikikiki
Jalan 3/48A, Sentul Perdana, Bandar Baru Sentul, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur
Apartment or Condo · 13 tips and reviews
Esha ♡♥ Aisya: You didn't whisper into my ear, but into my heart. It wasn't my lips you kissed, but my soul my dear.That's why I love you so much my love..
erny: it's not the presence of someone that brings meaning to your life, but its the way that someone touches your heart which gives your life a beautiful meaning♡
L3-04, Third Floor, SStwo Mall (No. 40, Jalan SS2/72), Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Chinese Restaurant · 30 tips and reviews
Endless Love このまま側にいて: Someone who love u never leave u in any situation, dont try to hurt anybdy who love you..bcoz u're lucky one when u feel down they're alwys by ur side all the time, appreciate,dont let thm leaving u.
killa not fairy: ♥If i close my eyes,i can c your smile,i can hear the laugh i loved & i cant get in ectasty..i just cnt blive the love its taking over me♥