Fast Food Restaurant · Saint Charles · 8 tips and reviews
Ryan Barton: I am so sorry I am coming to your work place to order food and interrupt your day. Don't give me attitude if you don't like your job. Get an education and find a better job!
Tim Vaughn: So glad they didn't put a smoking ban on the ballot. We shouldn't be dictating what business owners can and can't do in their establishments.
Fast Food Restaurant · Saint Charles · 20 tips and reviews
Adam Bullard: The service WAS awesome. Now they just try to move you through! Better be specific about what you want, napkins, sauce, straws. Or you won't get any of it!
Irene Liu: items allowed in the venue are subject to change for each event, so check online ahead of time... because walking back to the car in that huge parking lot sucks!
Carol L.: Did the call ahead seating and still had to wait an hour and a half because people don't leave after they eat! When you're done get the heck out!
Shannah Harding: Eckert's is always a good time. Great place for families. Sometimes a bit pricey, so don't over do it. Also, they have a great price on bulk honey.