Government Building · Красная площадь · 226 tips and reviews
In Your Pocket: 'What can compare to the Kremlin. These buildings must be seen, they must be seen!'
Лаврушинский пер., 10 (Большой Толмачёвский пер.), Москва, Москва
Art Museum · Якиманка · 527 tips and reviews
In Your Pocket: For visitors anxious to uncover the mysteries of the famous 'Russian soul', this is the place to start.
In Your Pocket: The immortal Gorky Park! With: bikes for rent, pedalos on the ponds, picnic areas & even an artificial beach.
In Your Pocket: A peaceful walk in an ancient cloister + a search for famous graves at the nearby cemetery.
In Your Pocket: The full comprehension of the GULAG is a discomforting experience to say the least...