McDonald's Arabia: Enjoy your meals :) don't forget to like us on facebook and follow us on twitter @mcdonaldsarabia
Farhanah Diman: Always better to go after 10.30pm. Anytime before that means hell to hunt for empty tables. Head to D'Saji for awesome roti canai & teh tarik. The rest sucks.
Syahrul Jumadi: Extra mayonaise pliss... A place where You can find the best mayonaise ever. Don't standing while eating..sunnah Rasulullah... *syahrul jumadi*
المسجد النبوي الشريف | Masjid Nabwi, المدينة المنورة | Al-Madina Al
Spiritual Center · 151 tips and reviews
Kurniawan Arif Maspul: Then walk your way to here, give salam to Rasulullah Shalallah alaihi wa sallam and Abu Bakr Asseddiq the Omer ibn Khattab Radhiyallah anhum jamian.
Kurniawan Arif Maspul: the graves of shahabah must visit after you out of the Prophet's Mosque. the cemetery always open after fajr and after asr prayer. people who died in Madinah also buried in this place until today.
Kurniawan Arif Maspul: Dont forget to take a tour also in here, students from 192 countries attends their study in here. The architectures of arabian classic building and the complete of Islamic books in the library.
Kurniawan Arif Maspul: 140 km/hr buses or cars without break and starter, incredible things in Madinah. The magnetics mountains, must thing to see and experience in Madinah even once in a lifetime.